08-29-2024 Pinedale Roundup Legals




OWNER: Sublette County School District # 1

665 N. Tyler Ave.

Pinedale, Wyoming 82941

BID DATE: Tuesday, September 17, 2024


Sublette County School District # 1 in Pinedale, WY is seeking a qualified vendor/contractor to remove snow piles from district parking lots.  Proposals will be received at the Sublette County School District # 1 Business Office located at 665 N. Tyler Ave., in Pinedale, WY 82941.

BIDS WILL BE OPENED at 4:00 P.M., Tuesday, September 17, 2024, in the office of the Director of Operations.  LATE BIDS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

Request for Proposal criteria, specifications, and details may be obtained and downloaded from the Sublette County School District No.1 Web Site www.sub1.org at Departments / Business / Files / Request for Proposals RFPs or by contacting Jeryl Fluckiger, Director of Operations at 307-367-5560.  Questions pertaining to the project should be directed to Jeryl Fluckiger. The District shall not be responsible for any oral instructions. Any changes to the RFP will be in the form of an addendum, which will be published on our website with the RFP.

All bids will be evaluated pursuant to Wyoming State Statutes 16-6-102 Resident Contractors; 16-6-203, Resident Labor; and Wyoming State Statutes Chapter 16, Article 7 on Construction Contracts.  In addition, pursuant to Wyoming State Statues 16-6-104, and 16-6-106, preference is hereby given to materials, supplies, equipment, machinery, and provisions produced, manufactured, supplied or grown in Wyoming, quality being equal to articles offered by the competitors outside of the state.

The District reserves the right to waive irregularities and informalities in the bidding or in any bid, reject any or all bids without further obligation, and to accept any bid deemed in the best interest of Sublette County School District # 1. The District does not bind itself in any way to accept the low bid.  All proposals will be evaluated on the following:

1. Compliance with all requirements

2. Price

3. Ability, capability, and skills of the Vendor to perform

4. Character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience, and efficiency of the Vendor

5. Quality of previous performance

6. Whether the vendor can

Notice #9857 published in the Pinedale Roundup on August  22, 29, 2024


1. Pursuant to the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act and the Wyoming Public Service Commission’s (Commission) Rules, notice is hereby given that a public hearing is scheduled regarding Rocky Mountain Power’s (RMP or the Company) request for authority to establish Final Low-Carbon Energy Portfolio Standards. The public hearing is set to commence on Thursday, September 19, 2024, at 9:00 a.m., in the Commission’s hearing room located at 2515 Warren Avenue, Suite 300, in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

2. RMP is a division of PacifiCorp, an Oregon corporation, engaged in the business of supplying electric utility service to customers throughout its six-state service territory, including Wyoming. RMP is a public utility, subject to the Commission's jurisdiction. WYO. STAT. §§ 37-l-101(a)(vi)(C) and 37-2-112.

3. On March 29, 2024, RMP filed its Application requesting the Commission authorize the Company to establish its proposed Final Low-Carbon Energy Portfolio Standards.

4. Wyoming Industrial Energy Consumers (WIEC), Powder River Basin Resource Council (PRBRC), and Jupiter Oxygen Corporation (JOC) petitioned to intervene in this matter, which the Commission granted by Order issued on April 30, May 14, and June 6, 2024. Office of Consumer Advocate is also a party under the provisions of Wyoming Statute §37-2-402(a).

5. A complete description of RMP’s Application and its supporting testimony and exhibits may be viewed at the Commission’s office during business hours or online at: https://dms.wyo.gov/external/publicusers.aspx (enter Record No. 17536).

6. All interested persons are encouraged to attend the public hearing which will be conducted in accordance with the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act, Wyoming Public Service Commission Rules. All interested persons may appear and be heard, in person, by video or telephone conference, or through counsel appearing in person or by video or telephone conference.

Attend Zoom Meeting and actively participate at:


Or by Dialing: 1-669-900-9128 or 1-253-215-8782 Meeting ID: 993 344 9233

7. If you wish to attend the hearing and you require reasonable accommodation for a disability, please contact the Commission at (307) 777-7427 (Voice or TTY) in Cheyenne during regular business hours or write them at 2515 Warren Avenue, Suite 300, Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002, to make arrangements. Communications impaired persons may also contact the Commission by accessing Wyoming Relay (TTY) by dialing 711. Please, mention Docket No. 20000-660-EA-24 in all correspondence with the Commission.

Dated: August 20, 2024.

Notice #9860 published in the Pinedale Roundup on August 29, Sept. 5, 2024






Deceased. )

Probate No. 2024-CV-0009044 )


You are hereby notified that Angela Kay Streeter has filed an Application in the District Court pursuant to W.S. § 2-1-205, the sold purpose and object of which is to convey the Estate of Norlin Carl Moore to his heirs. The Estate includes personal property interests in Sublette County, Wyoming, described as follows:

A. Lots 6, 7, 8 & 9, Block 17, Town of Marbleton, Sublette County, Wyoming.

B. Personal property including 1963 Esquire Mobile Home, 2018 Ford F 150 XLT, furniture, tools, household items, and recreational vehicles including 1984 Prowler Camper, 1993 Arctic Cat EXT, 1995 Arctic Cat Cheetah, and 2004 Arctic Cat 400.

C. IRA account with Charles Schwab.

Applicant also seeks to have title thereto quieted against any adverse claims or interests. You are fut1her notified that if you object to this proceeding you are required to file an answer in the District Court for the Ninth Judicial District, Sublette County, Wyoming within 30 days after the last publication of this Notice, to wit October 5, 2024, and that if you fail to file said

answer, judgement may be taken against you by default.

DATED this 19th day of August, 2024.

Janet K. Montgomery

Clerk of District Court

Notice #9862 published in the Pinedale Roundup on August 29, Sept. 5, 2024


MAKE: Heartland

MODEL: Big Horn 34 ft. 5th Wheel

YEAR: 2007

VIN#: 5SFGF302X7E004941

PRICE: $29,999.00

LOCATION: 41 Big Loop Road,

Pinedale, WY 82941

DATE/TIME of SALE: 9/13/2024 at 12 PM

Notice #9863 published in the Pinedale Roundup on August 29, Sept. 5, 2024

CHAPTER 6, SECTION 2 CONSRUCTION/MODIFICATION PERMIT - Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality PUBLIC NOTICE:  In accordance with Chapter 6, Section 2(m) of the Wyoming Air Quality Standards and Regulations, notice is hereby given that the State of Wyoming, Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality, proposes to approve a request by PureWest Resources, Inc. (CMP100826) to modify and operate the Boulder 14-32 PAD (F020657) by updating the equipment list, with two reboiler overheads condensers and two smokeless combustion devices to control volatile organic compound and hazardous air pollutant emissions associated with the dehydration units, located in the NE1/4NE1/4 of Section 32, T31N, R108W, approximately nine (9) miles south of Boulder, in Sublette County, Wyoming.  PureWest Resources, Inc. has met the demonstration requirements under Chapter 6, Section 2(c)(ii) for this permitting action since current emissions are less than emissions during the baseline period.  VOC emissions have decreased 2.5 TPY from the baseline period and NOx emissions have decreased 2.2 TPY from the baseline period.  These reductions have been added to PureWest Resources, Inc.’s offset bank to use for future permitting actions.

For the duration of the public comment period, the permit application, the agency’s analysis, and the public notice are available for public inspection online at https://openair.wyo.gov, utilizing facility ID F020657 and permit number P0037971 under permits.  This material may also be viewed online, at the above URL, utilizing a public computer at the Sublette County Library, Pinedale, Wyoming.  Additionally, for the duration of the public comment period a copy of this public notice is available for public inspection at the Sublette County Clerk’s Office, Pinedale, Wyoming. 

Written comments may be directed to Nancy Vehr, Administrator, Division of Air Quality, Department of Environmental Quality, 200 West 17th St., Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 or by fax (307) 635-1784.  Please reference A0015970 in your comment.  Comments may also be submitted electronically through the Division’s website (http://aq.wyomingdeq.commentinput.com).  Comments submitted by email will not be included in the administrative record.  Comments submitted by email will not be included in the administrative record.  All comments received by 5:00 p.m., Monday, September 30, 2024 will be considered in the final determination on this application.  A public hearing will be conducted only if in the opinion of the administrator sufficient interest is generated or if an aggrieved party so requests.  Para español, visite deq.wyoming.gov. Americans with Disabilities Act: special assistance or alternative formats will be made available upon request for individuals with disabilities.  Please provide at least fourteen (14) days before the close of the public comment period for such requests.

Notice #9864 published in the Pinedale Roundup on August 29, 2024



WITH W.S. 18-3-516(b)(i)

The following statement contains the names, positions, and actual wages of each elected official and full-time employee of Sublette County, not including any benefits such as health insurance costs, life insurance benefits and pension plans.  Any overtime that the employee earned, which was paid by the county, is included. The statement represents wages for FY24

Mack Bradley, County Commissioner $35,800.04

Thomas Noble, County Commissioner $33,299.96

Dave Stephens, County Commissioner $33,299.96

Douglas Vickrey, County Commissioner $35,800.04

Sam White, County Commissioner $33,299.96

Jeness Saxton, County Administrator $81,175.68

Carrie Long, County Clerk $99,500.04

Hailey Finck, Deputy County Clerk $45,318.00

Leeanne Harmon, Deputy County Clerk $40,968.31

Jerun Kerback, Deputy County Clerk $53,864.31

Tanya McNeal, Chief Deputy County Clerk $71,197.92

Debbee Woyciesjes, Deputy County Clerk $4,220.12

Emily Paravicini, County Treasurer $99,500.04

Jolene Deal, Deputy County Treasurer $23,821.50

Charla Goe, Deputy County Treasurer $62,785.80

Meghan Monteith, Deputy County Treasurer $59,783.64

Jessica Rice, Chief Deputy County Treasurer $74,274.96

Laila Illoway, County Assessor $99,500.04

Scott Auld, Deputy County Assessor $59,783.64


Jakobi Burbank Deputy County Assessor $4,220.12

Joshua Ferguson, Deputy County Assessor $59,783.64

Jesse Lake, Chief Deputy County Assessor $80,334.84

Crystal Potter, Deputy County Assessor $69,666.00

Clayton Melinkovich, County Attorney $110,000.04

Damon DeBernardi, Deputy Prosecuting & County

Attorney $114,999.96

Gaston Gosar,  Deputy Prosecuting & County Attorney $79,288.00

Maria Biggs, Secretary, Prosecuting & County Attorney $62,785.80

Elizabeth Crump, Secretary, Prosecuting & County

Attorney $62,785.80

Stephanie Sprenger,  Secretary, Prosecuting & County

Attorney $62,785.80

Andrea Jean, Human Resource Director $81,175.68

Janet Montgomery, Clerk of District Court $99,500.04

Micaiah Brown, Deputy Clerk of District Court $8,902.72

Tiffany Olson, Chief Deputy, Clerk of District Court $74,274.96

Chandra Rasmussen, Deputy Clerk of District Court $38,782.43

Sally Penton, Secretary, Recycling & Transfer Station $65,897.42

Lisa Copeland, Administrator, IT Department $99,500.04

Andre Irey, Superintendent, Maintenance $99,500.04

Gregory Allen, Laborer, Maintenance $72,814.07

Keith Butler, Laborer, Maintenance $72,656.88

Mary Caldwell, Laborer, Maintenance $70,358.22

Toni Dunning, Laborer, Maintenance $57,492.24

Santanna Durfee, Laborer, Maintenance $42,709.54

Talon Faler Laborer, Maintenance $57,492.24

Billie Jo Greenhalgh, Laborer, Maintenance $1,688.00

Blake Greenhalgh, Laborer, Maintenance $73,914.36

Ivy Hart, Laborer, Maintenance $54,769.44

Zoey Hedgepeth, Laborer, Maintenance $63,278.39

Darryl Herd, Laborer, Maintenance $58,736.04

William Joswiak, Laborer, Maintenance $69,542.58

Xiu Ming Liu, Laborer, Maintenance $20,044.30

Owen Leseberg, Laborer, Maintenance $5,133.52

Tina McGreal, Laborer, Maintenance $72,019.45

Monty Nickerson, Laborer, Maintenance $69,000.06

Kimberly Owens, Laborer, Maintenance $54,769.44

Nicholas Payne, Laborer, Maintenance $69,986.46

Shannon Saulter, Laborer, Maintenance $47,910.20

Laura Stone, Laborer, Maintenance $46,601.04

Vina Payne Wilsey, Laborer, Maintenance $57,492.24

Jody Wilson, Laborer, Maintenance $57,492.24

Dennis Fornstrom, Administrator, Planning & Zoning $85,478.04

Tess Soll, Secretary, Planning and Zoning $74,274.96

Stephen Dunning, Detention Lieutenant, Sheriff $83,657.28

Lucrecia Avila, Detention Officer, Sheriff $70,961.43

Tyson Gulbrandson, Deputy, Sheriff $90,530.40

Michael Parker, Deputy, Sheriff $77,255.67

Jesse Adams, Detention Officer, Sheriff $73,597.98

Travis Bingham, Detention Officer, Sheriff $114,198.60

Joshua Cooper, Detention Officer, Sheriff $91,210.80

Beatriz French, Detention Officer, County Sherriff $74,012.47

Kari Goza, Detention Officer, Sheriff $89,860.89

Marlene Johnston, Detention Officer, Sheriff $84,219.51

Jarad Lovejoy, Detention Officer, Sheriff $84,904.53

Joshua Lovejoy, Detention Officer, Sheriff $80,112.69

Carol Mackenzie, Detention Officer, Sheriff $69,444.32

Nathan Mastin, Detention Officer, Sheriff $77,014.56

Jonathan Rahlf, Deputy, Sheriff $37,900.95

Derek Roe, Detention Officer, Sheriff $93,626.36

Seth Sickler, Detention Officer, Sheriff $9,994.34

Trenton Simkins, Detention Officer, Sheriff $83,930.73

Hillary Tollison, Detention Officer, Sheriff $108,376.32

Gabriel Torres, Detention Officer, Sheriff $97,321.80

Jeremy Torres, Detention Officer, Sheriff $34,145.93

Matthew Wexels, Detention Officer, Sheriff $70,928.50

Blake Woolstenhulme, Detention Officer, Sheriff $80,644.66

Cheryl Koessel, Communication Officer, Sheriff $78,636.51

Venesa Cassity, Communication Officer, Sheriff $6,282.80

Layna Jones, Communication Office, Sheriff $77,836.10

Emery Kemp, Communication Officer, Sheriff $77,127.01

Devon Moceika, Communication Officer, Sheriff $72,541.04

Samantha Morgan, Communication Officer, Sheriff $67,458.83

Jessica Murphy, Communication Officer, Sheriff $74,661.22

Amber Porterfield, Communication Officer, Sheriff $74,010.46

Natalie Strong, Communication Officer, Sheriff $65,004.90

Sarah Turner, Communication Officer, Sheriff $70,512.21

Kenneth Lehr, Sheriff $110,000.04

David Siefkes, Lieutenant, Sheriff $83,657.28

Gregory Allen, Deputy, Sheriff $77,105.01

Ian Allen, Deputy, Sheriff $77,942.01

Shawn Butner, Deputy, Sheriff $86,208.44

Scott Campbell, Deputy, Sheriff $83,683.83

Danielle Cooper, Deputy, Sheriff $85,487.16

Ryan Day, Deputy, Sheriff $79,367.00

Brian Gardner, Deputy, Sheriff $49,453.21

Lance Gehlhausen, Deputy, Sheriff $88,323.96

Nadia Giffen, Patrol Deputy , Sheriff $75,660.95

Lyndy Guenther, Patrol Officer, Sheriff $36,956.92

Thomas Hatch, Deputy, Sheriff $91,560.72

Michael Hueckstaedt, Deputy, Sheriff $96,984.48

Alaric Kaderavek, Deputy, Sheriff $94,766.43

Gregory Kemp, Deputy, Sheriff $101,939.77

Travis Lanning, Deputy, Sheriff $145,118.28

Garrett Lozier, Deputy, Sheriff $80,055.46

Andrew Mackenzie, Deputy, Sheriff $12,979.30

Krystal Mansur, Deputy, Sheriff $7,432.56

Todd Morgan, Deputy, Sheriff $103,353.33

Tyrel Murphy, Deputy, Sheriff $90,105.17

Jason Overbaugh, Deputy, Sheriff $87,040.85

Hana Patterson, Patrol, Sheriff $76,460.52

Joshua Peterson, Deputy, Sheriff $76,343.34

Christopher Ryan, Deputy, Sheriff $91,157.96

Zach Semmons, Deputy, Sheriff $114,234.33

Sinclair Streeter, Deputy, Sheriff $107,780.38

Shane Templar, Deputy, Sheriff $80,868.72

Toby Terrell, Deputy, Sheriff $113,401.56

Ryan Tollison, Deputy, Sheriff $91,543.26

Karson Turner, Deputy, Sheriff $82,423.79

Scott Winer, Deputy, Sheriff $82,385.97

Shannon Gehlhausen, Secretary & Records Clerk, Sheriff $74,274.96

Stephanie McMillen, Secretary & Records Clerk, Sheriff $71,197.92

Daniel Ruby, Secretary & Records Clerk, Sheriff $56,887.97

Kinsy Voss, Secretary & Records Clerk, Sheriff $56,508.84

Kenna Tanner, Coordinator, Search and Rescue $84,613.02

Curtis Covill, County Coroner $35,000.04

Shad Cooper, Fire Warden $115,933.08

Robert Kladianos, Deputy Fire Warden $82,016.76

Cassle Urbigkit, Training Officer, Fire Warden $73,177.41

Marylisa Baxley, Secretary & Records Clerk, Fire Warden $84,019.26

Joanie Christie, Secretary, County Health $59,783.64

Rebecca Crowe, Prevention Coordinator, Public Health $51,220.54

Steven Kipp, Specialist, County Health & Sanitarian $60,091.20

Brendan Fitzsimmons, County Health, Public Health

Officer $15,996.00

Peter Paulin, Director, Visitor Center $53,526.60

Billy Pape, Supervisor, Road & Bridge $99,500.04

Cole Andersen, Laborer, Road & Bridge $62,893.83

Willamina Irey, Secretary, Road & Bridge $68,122.80

Alesha Ralkey, Secretary, Road & Bridge $68,122.80

Craig Harmon, Assistant Supervisor, Road & Bridge $82,016.76

Willard Binning, Laborer, Road & Bridge $67,152.34

Fredrick Boyce, Laborer, Road & Bridge $67,128.66

Hadley Bray, Laborer, Road & Bridge $79,453.51

Casey Calhoun, Laborer, Road & Bridge $76,463.98

Zackary Christie, Laborer, Road & Bridge $72,100.94

Philip Donley, Laborer, Road & Bridge $74,942.24

Gatlin Egle, Laborer, Road & Bridge $58,470.68

Michael Egle, Laborer, Road & Bridge $79,301.50

Milton Gumfory, Laborer, Road & Bridge $70,325.13

Dallan Jones, Laborer, Road & Bridge $58,362.90

Kyle Jones, Laborer, Road & Bridge $5,354.02

Brad Kelly, Laborer, Road & Bridge $79,022.81

David Lambrecht, Laborer, Road & Bridge $71,059.12

Lester Maurer, Laborer, Road & Bridge $76,713.85

Doug Mika, Laborer, Road & Bridge $70,467.19

Alvin Mitchell, Laborer, Road & Bridge $59,416.70

Bo Morss, Laborer, Road & Bridge $47,510.38

James O'Connor, Laborer, Road & Bridge $67,531.18

Daniel Racich, Laborer, Road & Bridge $76,410.24

Mark Reinwald, Laborer, Road & Bridge $57,492.24

Cash Rich, Laborer, Road & Bridge $68,880.80

Cody Sellers, Laborer, Road & Bridge $64,027.35

Mark Steele, Laborer, Road & Bridge $69,449.07

Scott Thomas, Laborer, Road & Bridge $71,675.67

Bradley Williams, Laborer, Road & Bridge $72,699.73

R Woffinden, Laborer, Road & Bridge $66,536.71

Tyrell Wood, Laborer, Road & Bridge $69,496.42

Jacob Ford, Laborer, Transfer Station $41,077.08

Cathy Freeman, Secretary, Waste Management $58,765.74

Peggy Kaul, Secretary, Transfer Station $62,785.80

Hugh Steele, Laborer, Transfer Station $47,477.72

Lisa Forman, Secretary, Waste Management $73,636.81

Delfino Cayetano Andres, Laborer, Waste Management $67,270.72

Patrick Johnson, Laborer, Waste Management $67,033.95

Keith Sleight, Laborer, Waste Management $68,040.25

Julius Brian Smith, Laborer, Waste Management $67,673.24

Rowna Williams, Laborer, Waste Management $41,748.50

Cassandra Crumpton, Treatment Court $73,209.84

James Mitchell, Coordinator, Emergency Management $102,369.81

Amy Calhoun, Secretary, Extension Office $49,275.34

Grant Golden, Ice Rink Manager $75,056.88

Kevin Costello, Laborer, Ice Arena $57,906.84

Johnathan Mitchell, Laborer, Ice Arena $60,215.04

Jay Brower, Manager, Fairgrounds $85,478.04

Brianne Brower, Administrator, Fairgrounds $45,000.00

Jaydon Burbank, Laborer, Fairgrounds $8,566.28

Kimberley Hair, Laborer, Fairgrounds $18,659.86

Katelin Taylor, Laborer, Fairgrounds $61,733.60

Jeremy Christensen, Golf Course Manager $17,415.19


/s/Carrie S Long, County Clerk

Notice #9865 published in the Pinedale Roundup on August 29, 2024