
Dear Editor,  I am attaching the scoping letter and scoping notice (with map) describing a 3,000 acre "Fuels Reduction Project"  on the East Rim near  Rim Station.  The …

We spent last Christmas working for free. I don ’ t even like working when I ’ m getting paid, but when the offspring are involved, a parent does what a parent has to do. Our daughter, …

Though we are isolated from the all of what is, here in Pinedale and Wyoming, we don ’ t have to look far to see the hostility and violence that has moved beyond reason. Our gaze does not have …

Dear Editor, A week ago, the Sublette County Planning and Zoning Commission held their monthly meeting and public hearing.  More than four hours of the marathon meeting were devoted to the …

Dear Editor, When I first heard a couple of years ago about the rezoning from agricultural to residential of roughly 300 acres that is on the west side of Highway 191, I couldn ’ t imagine …

Dear Editor, The Oct. 17 Sublette County Planning  and Zoning Board meeting deflected around the recommendations by the Wyoming Game and Fish Department regarding the Moyes 40 Rod West …

The president of the United States, our Commander in Chief, is the person who holds unchecked power and who has their finger on the button. This is the highest executive officer of a modern republic. …

Halloween can be a spooky time for our furry friends, with costumes, masks and a constant stream of strangers at the door. Wildlife should also be considered during this festive season. To ensure …

Dear Editor, Laura Pearson, candidate for WY Senate District 14, visited my house in Pinedale on the day of primary voting, offering a vision that is both narrow minded and based in selective …

Are you interested in planting seedlings next spring? If so, continue reading this column for helpful tips on setting your seedlings up for success! Having a successful seedling planting isn ’ …

I wish we ’ d known there were rules for raising kids. We just flew by the seat of our pants, which is a saying that makes no sense. No wonder my kids question everything I tell …

This world of today, in which we live and try to find some type of charismatic comfort, has been polluted. We have lost the distinction and differentiation between what is truth and what is not the …

At the Sept. 30 meeting, the Wyoming State Legislature Joint Committee on Travel, Recreation, Wildlife, and Cultural Resources had the opportunity to address the public's overwhelming demand to ban …

Dear Editor, It is time once again to offer thanks to our hometown hero Cody Roberts. Following his one day of fun last February, quite a lot has happened. People from across the entire …

Social media has become an insanely intricate part of life and I doubt there are few people that have not spent some time in the quagmire of these interactive technologies. We have all wasted time …

Sublette County has posted the new  Draft Planning  and  Zoning Regulations online  at   https://www.sublettecountywy.gov/533/Proposed-Zoning-Development-Regulations . …

Dear Editor, The draft bill of the WY Predators Working Group that would “continue to allow residents to intentionally run over predatory animals with snowmobiles but would require those …

Dear Editor, What we are now calling the “ Fall Freedom Festival” will still take place on September 28, and it will still take place on the grounds of the state Capitol. We ’ …

I ’ ve often been asked where the sources of chronologies, excerpts, fragments, reflections and words from the artistic journals of Dan Abernathy derive from. The answer, formulated from my own …

Marriage is like riding a unicycle, doing a handstand or twirling a baton. It looks easy until you try it. And like anything, you have to be flexible, willing to learn and somewhat clever. It ’ …

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