Letter to the Editor

Thanks to Cody Roberts for putting Wyoming wolves in the global spotlight

Kelly Ravner, Pinedale, Wyo.
Posted 6/27/24

Dear Editor,

I want to thank hometown hero Cody Roberts for easily accomplishing what a tenacious collection of good hearted wolf advocates couldn ’ t — bringing national and …

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Letter to the Editor

Thanks to Cody Roberts for putting Wyoming wolves in the global spotlight


Dear Editor,

I want to thank hometown hero Cody Roberts for easily accomplishing what a tenacious collection of good hearted wolf advocates couldnt — bringing national and international attention to the little problem Wyoming has with its treatment of predators. As we know, its much easier to sympathize with one individual than a large group of persecuted souls. And boy howdy, did he ever provide us with a sympathetic image. That downcast, docile little wolf pup with red tape cutting into her muzzle, a grown man molesting a dying animal, and his aunt enthusiastically parading in tape and a wolf pelt — no money can buy the mileage wolf advocates are getting out of that trio of images, now seared into the retinas of millions of people.
Here is some of the good that was accomplished in just a few short weeks:
• A little motorcycle rally that raised a years worth of funds in just 14 days to lobby for legislative change.

• The film maker who enthralled your children with the remake of Black Beauty on Disney+ turned her rig around and drove through the night to reach Daniel in time to begin filming a documentary about the fight for the wolves. She was already doing groundwork for a feature film based on the book American Wolf, backed by Leonardo DiCaprios film studio Appian Way.
• Another successful fundraiser has financed a delegations travel to DC where they are meeting with lawmakers this week.
• The Wyoming Treatment of Predators Working Group met this week, just because of a little wolf in Daniel. Game wardens might be getting updated instructions on using their discretion.      • And even the Governor has said maybe we dont need to be running over wildlife.
Never underestimate the power of one individual to spark change. Thanks, Cody!


Kelly Ravner, Pinedale, Wyo.