Living – Life – Large

The Intrepid Explorer: A revolutionary act

By Dan Abernathy
Posted 7/3/24

I have spent an excessive part of my life wandering along the back roads while seeing new places both here and abroad. What I ’ ve seen with the perpetual growth of this world is both …

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Living – Life – Large

The Intrepid Explorer: A revolutionary act


I have spent an excessive part of my life wandering along the back roads while seeing new places both here and abroad. What Ive seen with the perpetual growth of this world is both magnificent and terrifying. Allowing boredom to reach its peak, the world is increasingly being redesigned to depress us. Happiness may be what we strive for, but it isn't very good for the economy. If we were happy with what we had, why would we need more?
When society is constantly being influenced to always be highlighting physical flaws, people will pay for plastic surgery. No one can sell an anti-aging moisturizer if you dont make someone worry about aging. Under the shroud of legal drugs, Big Pharma has convinced us to accept the downfall of side effects because we are told to take this so you will live longer. People are paying for criminally high insurance, by making them worry about everything. We celebrate the monies being paid to celebrities and pro athletes while we overlook the hungry and homeless. 

We forfeit our free thought and are constantly upgrading our smartphones so we wont feel technology is leaving us behind. Now we can answer with the truth as we are asked, where are you going this weekend?” We are being guided to where the most exciting places are found to go and stare at the screen of our phones.

What has really happened is we have allowed the oligarch to entrap us as prisoners inside the large social groups that are governed by conditioned thinking patterns. This curtails and prevents us to be open freethinking individuals, alive in the present moment of who we are.

To be happy with your own non-upgraded existence, while finding calmness, should be a new revolutionary act. This cannot happen though. To be comfortable with our messy human selves, would not be good for business.

We are constantly being bombarded with what is right and wrong from people that have lost the meaning themselves. We know that they are detached and disconnected scoundrels, yet we have found comfort with accepting their words even when they derive from deficient moral character.

We have become accustomed to no longer thinking for ourselves, as an un-regimented people, to say we are liberty loving and free of prejudices and hatred. In reality we have seemingly become more comfortable with them. We are in the mixing pot of an endless human experiment. The seasoning and stock we are listening to seem to be beautiful words and promises. When they start to boil however, they turn to vulgar pushing mobs where our passions are organized to satisfy the greed of someone else.

To call this a society of freethinking people is blasphemous. What have we to offer the world besides the superabundant loot, which we recklessly plunder from the earth? We mobilize our destruction under the maniacal delusion that this insane activity represents progress. The land of plenty has become the land of senseless waste. We attend the worldwide discount store for another thing we must buy that we dont need. We have just been pushed from behind and schooled to think and believe that we are always in need of the most recent upgrade.

Like guinea pigs, we have been condemned and forced into idleness as we, one at a time, stumble into a created depression that has never been seen or known. There are experiments that are being made with cunning precision with a predetermined outcome. The experiment of humanity is not of these orders. The answer to the grand experiment is in the heart and the search must be conducted inwardly.

Perhaps one day we will be awakened, if we cease to hold hands and listen to our bigoted leaders and their base inadequacy and insanity. We too must also quiet the yell of activists that are screaming new senseless wants, needs and ways that have misplaced sense and the equal good of all. 

As the distorted and dishonest laughter slurs and echoes through the air, lights flash, sirens fade and the rows of clowns frown from under painted smiles, there is nothing to remember if there is nothing to forget. We have found the patients to stare at our phones while we stand in line waiting for tickets. The back of the line pushes with hunger towards death, where the insane are free from mental derangement and the sane are mentally disarranged and free of a sound mind.

This may be a depressing thought, a bad beginning with no decision to alter the course. It is a jumbled waste created by sub-humanity within the delirium of greed created by want. It holds nothing but negativity and some various types of howling greed that freezes the soul of those that want for more. The ones that are waiting as they hopelessly witness the prelude to the unimaginable.

I refuse to lose balance with who I am because some shamefully outrageous groups of lunatics are on a narcissistic rampage. Being a victim of your own mistakes and bad decisions is one thing, but to be a victim of another persons mistakes and bad decisions is too much. You should not have to pay with your wellbeing or life on the errors of someone else.

We all are witnessing the prelude to something unimaginable, so Ill continue to immerse myself into the depredation and possession of self-made satisfaction. While here, Ill be enjoying the distant confusion of what has become the unbalanced and unstable normal. I now comprehend that we are all now living in a world of laser guided missiles while hearing the constant beating of distant Congo drums. - dbA

You can find more of the unfiltered insight and the Art of Dan Abernathy at