Letter to the Editor

All about Trump

From Bill Johnson, Pinedale, Wyo.
Posted 7/18/24

Many or most of the conservatives who believe in God give credit to the big guy for performing a miracle. That extra 15 degrees or so that Trump turned his head caused the speeding bullet to pierce …

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Letter to the Editor

All about Trump


Dear Editor,

Many or most of the conservatives who believe in God give credit to the big guy for performing a miracle. That extra 15 degrees or so that Trump turned his head caused the speeding bullet to pierce his right ear and miss his skull by an inch saving his life. I certainly believe it was a God Miracle. We have a leader that is willing to die for God and Country. A man who has it all!

Still, the liberals are relentless in cursing him because he is a sinner. So let's talk about it. Right up front, I will admit that Trump is a sinner. So was John Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Thomas Jefferson, Dwight D. Eisenhower, King Solomon, and Alexander the Great, just to name a few. In Eisenhower's case at least, he was pretty much in seclusion trying to decide which hour and which day he would attack all the German forces on D-Day. Any misjudgement on his part and we may not win the war. It is said that his secretary comforted him and made him laugh before the decision was made. Maybe SHE saved the world!

I am a sinner and most of my good friends are sinners for one thing or another. Just like family, most of my good friends will always be good friends no matter what. They will die for God and Country and so will I. Those are the kind of people I want to be around. Mealy-mouthed liberals say things like they have proof that one time Trump grabbed a woman "by the pussy!" Maybe so, I don't know, but now ask me if I give a shit? I know this. Trump is one hell of a man and has been carrying the weight of the world on his shoulders for our sake. He pumped his arm in the air after being shot. USA-USA they shouted.

In my opinion, no one else on planet Earth has the kind of strength that Trump displays which is exactly why we need him to deal with our enemies. Anyone who states that Biden has done a good job with 15 million illegals coming into our country, very high inflation including food and fuel, mobs in the streets of our cities, and a currency crisis that is set to explode and ruin all our lives haven't a clue. Now if liberals can bypass all that and still vote liberal it must be because they envision more free money. Just remember that if there is too much free money it becomes Socialism and the non-workers and the weak are always the first to die. Read a history book!

Bill Johnson, Pinedale, Wyo.

*Editor's note: I wish God would perform these miracles for everyone, including (but not limited to) the volunteer firefighter who dived on top of his family to save them and was killed, all of the students gunned down in their classrooms, and the babies born with cancer.