These new charges were filed in Sublette County Circuit Court from August 12 through August 18.
Cody Olsen: Possession of a controlled substance, plant, 3 ounces or less and …
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These new charges were filed in Sublette County Circuit Court from August 12 through August 18.
Cody Olsen: Possession of a controlled substance, plant, 3 ounces or less and Superintendent’s speed zone.
Dain Sharrad: Possession of a controlled narcotic substance, schedule I or II.
Dillan T. Smith: Violation of a protection order and threaten to inflict injury by phone calls or other electronic or written communication.
John Mark Mitsoyianis: Criminal trespass.
Zena Geiger: Manufacture or deliver methamphetamine or narcotic controlled substance, schedule I or II and possession of a controlled narcotic substance, schedule I or II.
Daniel Copa: DUI alcohol, incapable of safely driving, first offense within 10 years and failure to drive vehicle within a single lane.
Luke Ripple: Superintendent’s speed zone.
Caleb Busta: Superintendent’s speed zone.
Tocohua Crecencio: No valid driver’s license and obstructed windshield.
Zevi Davis: Exceeding 70 mph on a highway.
Dustin George: Superintendent’s speed zone.
Hadley Hewlett: Superintendent’s speed zone.
Brook Hintze: Superintendent’s speed zone.
Mika Kujanpaa: Superintendent’s speed zone.
John Lapointe: Superintendent’s speed zone.
Mark Larue: Superintendent’s speed zone.
Pricilla Lyons: Superintendent’s speed zone.
Tresia McReynolds: Theft under $1,000.
Jefferson Riddle: Exceeding 70 mph on a highway and no compulsory auto insurance, first offense.
Olga Lidia Ruiz Barajas: Pedestrian right of way in a crosswalk and no valid driver’s license.
Douglas H. Workman: Superintendent’s speed zone.
Desaray Brown: Exceeding 70 mph on a highway.
Emmanuel Hernandez: Exceeding 70 mph on a highway.
Sandra Hodge: Exceeding 70 mph on a highway.
Joseph Rivas: Superintendent’s speed zone.
Charles S. Maez: Failure to stop at a stop sign.
Beau Christensen: Exceeding 70 mph on a highway and no compulsory auto insurance, first offense.
Sura Snovely: Superintendent’s speed zone.
Jennifer Wright: Superintendent’s speed zone.
Brandon Alford: Exceeding 70 mph on a highway.
Theodore Baker: Exceeding 70 mph on a highway.
Bradley Woodworth Coleman: Exceeding 70 mph on a highway.
Lauren Peters: Exceeding 70 mph on a highway.
Jacob Anderson: Superintendent’s speed zone.
David Bernstein: Exceeding 70 mph on a highway.
Kirah King: Exceeding 70 mph on a highway.
Jasmin Quintana: Superintendent’s speed zone and no valid driver’s license.
Daigo Sekimoto: Superintendent’s speed zone.
The following fines and sentences were imposed in Circuit Court from August 12 through August 18.
Kelli Jo Drake, Pinedale: Superintendent’s speed zone, fees and fines $130.
Jose Guachiac Tzoc, Pinedale: Exceeding 70 mph on a highway, fees and fines $175, and no valid driver’s license, fees and fines $140.
Olga Lidia Ruiz Barajas, Pinedale: Pedestrian right of way in a crosswalk, fees and fines $100, and no valid driver’s license, fees and fines $150.
Randy J. Hansen, Daniel: Twelves counts of possession of child pornography bound over to Sublette County District Court.
Calleb Willson, Pinedale: Improper passing, fees and fines $90.
James Lyle Dohrmann, Daniel: Sexual abuse of a minor in the first degree, sexual intrusion on a victim under the age of 13 years old, two counts of sexual assault in the second degree, position of authority, and three counts of incest: blood relationship, bound over to Sublette County District Court.
Jacob A. Piros, Cora: Exceeding 70 mph on a highway, fees and fines $101.
Chadwick John Haszier, Boulder: No driver’s seatbelt, fees and fines $25.
Shelbi Treann Kautzsch, Big Piney: No driver’s seatbelt, fees and fines $25.
James Harken, homeless: Criminal trespass, two days in jail.
Peyton R. Bauman, Pinedale: Superintendent’s speed zone, fees and fines $170.
Rusty Robert Wilsey, Daniel: Exceeding 70 mph on a highway, fees and fines $190.
Timothy Eugene Brown, Pinedale: No driver’s seatbelt, fees and fines $25.
Karen Simpson, Pinedale: Expired temporary license permit/improper registration, fees and fines $150.