8 of 8 precincts reporting
2,728 ballots cast in Sublette County (a 24.7 percent decrease from the 3,626 ballots cast in the 2022 Primary Election)
112,693 ballots cast statewide (a 38.2 percent decrease from the 182,232 ballots cast statewide in the 2022 Primary Election)
U.S. Senate, one six-year term
John Barrasso, 1,747 votes
John Holtz, 174 votes
Reid Rasner, 606 votes
Write-in totals 26
Statewide totals
John Barrasso, 70,473 votes
John Holtz, 7,867 votes
Reid Rasner, 25,424 votes
Write-in totals 1,756
U.S. House District, one two-year term
Harriet Hageman, 2,037 votes
Steven Helling, 447 votes
Write-in totals 41
Statewide totals
Harriet Hageman, 82,765 votes
Steven Helling, 19,738 votes
Write-in totals 2,424
State Senate District 14, one four-year term
Sublette County
Laura Taliaferro Pearson, 929 votes
Albert Sommers, 1,446 votes
Bill Winney, 243 votes
Write-in totals 4
Lincoln County
Laura Taliaferro Pearson, 841 votes
Albert Sommers, 323 votes
Bill Winney, 108 votes
Write-in totals 3
Sweetwater County
Laura Taliaferro Pearson, 324 votes
Albert Sommers, 161 votes
Bill Winney, 91 votes
Write-in totals 3
Uinta County
Laura Taliaferro Pearson, 117 votes
Albert Sommers, 95 votes
Bill Winney, 48 votes
Write-in totals 0
Total district votes
Laura Taliaferro Pearson, 2,211 votes
Albert Sommers, 2,025 votes
Bill Winney, 490 votes
Write-in totals 10
State House District 20, one two-year term
Sublette County
Mike Schmid, 1,585 votes
Cat Urbigkit, 1,006 votes
Write-in totals 6
Lincoln County
Mike Schmid, 170 votes
Cat Urbigkit, 23 votes
Write-in totals 2
Total district votes
Mike Schmid, 1,755 votes
Cat Urbigkit, 1,029 votes
Write-in totals 8
Sublette County Commissioner, three four-year terms
Judi Boyce, 513 votes
Tom Noble, 985 votes
Dave Stephens, 1,535 votes
Sam White, 1,089 votes
Chad Mitchell, 341 votes
Dave Smith, 754 votes
Lynn E. Bernard, 1,293 votes
Gary Sanders, 309 votes
Write-in totals 20
General Election Day is Tuesday, Nov. 5. Polls will be open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Voter registration information
Folks who did not vote in the Primary Election may register on Election Day at their polling location or with the Sublette County Clerk’s Office at 21 South Tyler Avenue in Pinedale. To vote, a person must be 18 years old on Election Day, a U.S. citizen and a Wyoming resident. Those voters not affiliated with a major party did not have a ballot in the Primary Election in Sublette County because there were no non-partisan races to vote in. However, constituents are able to vote for whichever party/candidate they’d like in the General Election on Nov. 5. Visit https://sos.wyo.gov/Forms/Elections/General/VoterRegistrationForm.pdf to download the voter registration form.
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