Pinedale Roundup Legals, November 7, 2024







A Minor, )

Confidential No.--------


TO: Unknown Father of Walker Blaze Carpenter Address Unknown

You are hereby notified that Max Reid Guenthner and Makenzie Hope Guenthner have filed a Petition for Adoption of Walker Blaze Carpenter in the Sublette County District Court seeking to terminate your parental rights to the minor child. You are further notified that if you object to said adoption, you are required to file an answer in the District Court for the Ninth Judicial District, Sublette County, Wyoming within 30 days after the date of the last publication of this notice, to wit December 7, 2024, and that if you fail to file said answer, judgmen tmay be entered as sought by Petitioners.

DATED this 10 day of October, 2024.

Janet Montgomery

Clerk of the District Court

Notice #9903 published in the Pinedale
on Oct. 17, 24, 31, Nov. 7, 2024






A Minor, )

Confidential No. --------


TO: Unknown Father of Johnny McKay Carpenter Address Unknown

You are hereby notified that Max Reid Guenthner and Makenzie Hope Guenthner have filed a Petition for Adoption of Johnny McKay Carpenter in the Sublette County District Court seeking to terminate your parental rights to the minor child. You are further notified that if you object to said adoption, you are required to file an answer in the District Court for the Ninth Judicial District, Sublette County, Wyoming within 30 days after the date of the last publication of this notice, to wit: December 7, 2024, and that if you fail to file said answer. judgment may be entered as sought by Petitioners.

DATED this 10 day of October, 2024.

Janet Montgomery

Clerk of the District Court

Notice #9904 published in the Pinedale
on Oct. 17, 24, 31, Nov. 7, 2024


TO: Tamara L. Steele, deceased

c/o Cecil McSweeney

PO Box 154

Boulder WY 82923

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the following-described real property:

Tract A of the Steele Lot Division, Sublette County, Wyoming, as set out on the plat map recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Sublette County on October 4, 1995, in Book 65 Misc. Page 143, together with all improvements thereon, and easements, appurtenances and incidents belonging or appertaining thereto, or used in connection therewith; subject, however to all mining, mineral and other exceptions, reservations, easements, covenants, conditions and rights of way of record;

was regularly assessed and taxed for the year 2019 in the name of Tamara L. Steele; that said taxes were not paid and became delinquent, and on July 16, 2020, at a tax sale conducted according to law by the County Treasurer of Sublette County, Wyoming, said real property was purchased by Peter K. Pitsch, and Certificate of Purchase No. 3346 was issued to Peter K. Pitsch, for the amount owed; that the time for redemption of said real property from said tax sale will expire on February 10, 2025, or as soon thereafter as a Tax Deed is issued, and Peter K. Pitsch will make application for a tax deed to said real property on or after February 10, 2025.

The above described property is not subject to any special assessments.

DATED this 17th day of October, 2024.

/ss/ Peter K. Pitsch

Notice #9914 published in the Pinedale
on Oct. 24, 31, Nov. 7, 2024


To all persons, firms, or corporations who have any claim for any work done, or any material furnished to, Shepard Construction Solutions, LLC, 111 Daley Street, Rawlins, WY 82301 for Sublette County School District No. 1 Freezer/Storage Addition, Pinedale Elementary School, 3040 Bloomfield Avenue, Pinedale, WY 82941.

You are hereby notified that Sublette County School District No. 1, P.O. Box 549, 665 North Tyler Avenue, Pinedale, WY 82941, has accepted substantial completion according to the Contract Documents and rules set forth in the contract between Sublette County School District No. 1 and the aforesaid Contractor of the work in connection with the Sublette County School District No. 1 Freezer/Storage Addition, Pinedale Elementary School, and that said Contractor is entitled to final settlement therefore.

You are further notified that upon the 4th day of December, 2024,being the 41st day after the first publication of the notice, said Sublette County School District No. 1 will pay Shepard Construction Solutions, LLC the full amount due under said contract, and in the event your claim is not filed with Sublette County School District No. 1 prior to said 24th day of December, 2024, same shall be waived.

This notice is given pursuant to Section 16-6116, Wyoming Statutes, 1982. Dated this 24th Day of October, 2024.

By: Jeryl Fluckiger, Director of Operations

Sublette County School District No. 1 Freezer/Storage Addition, Pinedale Elementary School

Notice #9917 published in the Pinedale
on Oct. 24, 31, Nov. 7, 2024



Notice is hereby given that Sublette County, Wyoming, has accepted work as completed according to the plans and specifications set forth in the Agreement between Sublette County and DeBernardi Construction Company, Inc pursuant to the Project Manual for the 2024 Sublette County Cattleguard Foundation Project and DeBernardi Construction Company, Inc is entitled to final settlement thereof.  On December 4th, 2024, being the forty-first day after the first publication of this Notice, Sublette County will pay to DeBernardi Construction Company, Inc all amounts and balances due under said Agreement.

Dated this 21st day of October, 2024.

Sublette County

P.O. Box 250

Pinedale, WY   82941

Notice #9918 published in the Pinedale
on Oct. 24, 31, Nov. 7, 2024


The Boulder Lake Improvement District election for one Director will be held on November 30, 2024. An applicaiton has been submitted by Clint Mason the incumbent, a resident of Boulder Lake Estates. Ballots will be mailed out to residents the second week of November 2024.

Boulder Lake Improvement District

/s Clint T Mason, Secretary

Notice #9920 published in the Pinedale
on Nov. 7, 2024


Sublette County Weed & Pest will hold their monthly board meeting on Thursday, November 7th, 2024 at 12:00 noon located in the Weed & Pest Building at 12 South Bench Road, Pinedale.

Notice #9921 published in the Pinedale
on Nov. 7, 2024

2024/2025 FULL-SIZE SUVS


Sublette County School District # 1

665 N. Tyler Ave.

Pinedale, Wyoming 82941

BID DATE: November 26, 2024

Sublette County School District # 1 in Pinedale, WY is seeking to replace two full-size SUVs and one full-size AWD sedan. Proposals will be received at the Sublette County School District #1 Administration Office located at 665 N. Tyler Ave., in Pinedale, WY 82941.

BIDS WILL BE OPENED at 2:00 P.M., Tuesday, November 26, 2024, in the Administration Office.  LATE BIDS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED.

Request for Proposal criteria, specifications, and details may be obtained and downloaded from the Sublette County School District No.1 Web Site at Departments / Business / Files / Request for Proposals RFPs or by contacting Lisa Ruckman, Transportation Director at 307-367-5414.  Questions pertaining to the project should be directed to Lisa Ruckman. District shall not be responsible for any oral instructions. Any changes to the RFP will be in the form of an addendum, which will be published on our website with the RFP.

All bids will be evaluated pursuant to Wyoming State Statutes 16-6-102 Resident Contractors; 16-6-203, Resident Labor; and Wyoming State Statutes Chapter 16, Article 7 on Construction Contracts.  In addition, pursuant to the Wyoming State Statutes 16-6-104, and 16-6-106, preference is hereby given to materials, supplies, equipment, machinery, and provisions produced, manufactured, supplied, or grown in Wyoming, quality being equal to articles offered by the competitors outside of the state.

The District reserves the right to waive irregularities and informalities in the bidding or in any bid, reject any or all bids without further obligation to accept any bid deemed in the best interest of Sublette County School District # 1. The District does not bind itself in any way to accept the low bid.  All proposals will be evaluated on the following:

1.Compliance with all requirements

2. Ability, capability, and skills of the Vendor to perform

3. Character, integrity, reputation, judgment, experience, and efficiency of the Vendor

4. Quality of previous performance

5. Consistency with current fleet operations

6. Price

7. Warranty

Notice #9922 published in the Pinedale
on Oct. 31, Nov. 7, 2024



Notice is hereby given that on the 22nd day of October, 2024, Silver Spur Bar & Shady Side Inc. applied for an application for a retail liquor license in the office of the Clerk of the Town of Big Piney, Wyoming for the following described place and premises, to wit:  32 x 39 ft. room in Southwest portion of building, Block 3, Lots 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11, Heitz Addition in the Town of Big Piney, Wyoming and protests if any against the issuance of this license will be heard November 19, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. at the Town Hall in the Council Chambers in Big Piney, Wyoming.

Kristi Gray, Town Clerk

Notice #9923 published in the Pinedale
on Nov. 7, 14, 2024


Sublette County School District # 1 665 N. Tyler Ave.

Pinedale, Wyoming 82941

Sublette County School District # 1 in Pinedale, WY, is now accepting sealed bids for two used buses. Sealed bids will be opened on November 25, 2024, at 2:30 PM in the SCSD #1 administration office at 665 N. Tyler Ave., Pinedale, WY. All vehicles will be sold AS IS with no warranties.


The vehicles are located at 10045 W. Hwy. 191, Pinedale, WY 82941 2008 Thomas Bus 185,099 miles, 66 passenger

2011 Blue Bird Bus 246,258 miles, 75 passenger

Please direct your questions to Lisa Ruckman, Transportation Director, by calling 307-367- 5414 or email at

Bids can be delivered to 665 N. Tyler Ave, Pinedale, WY, or mailed to PO Box 549, Pinedale, WY 82941, attention Lisa Ruckman. The highest bidders will be recommended to the School Board at the December 12, 2024, board meeting. Should the winning bidder not make their payment in cash or cashier’s check by December 19, 2024, the next highest bidder will be accepted.

Notice #9924 published in the Pinedale
on Oct. 31, Nov. 7, 2024

CHAPTER 6, SECTION 2 CONSTRUCTION/MODIFICATION PERMIT - Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality PUBLIC NOTICE:  In accordance with Chapter 6, Section 2(m) of the Wyoming Air Quality Standards and Regulations, notice is hereby given that the State of Wyoming, Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality, proposes to approve a request by PureWest Resources, Inc. (CMP100826) to modify and operate the Riverside 10-13 PAD (F020595) by updating the equipment list, with two reboiler overheads condensers and two smokeless combustion devices to control volatile organic compound and hazardous air pollutant emissions associated with the dehydration units, located in the NW1/4SE1/4 of Section 13, T31N, R109W, approximately seven (7) miles south-southwest of Boulder, in Sublette County, Wyoming.  PureWest Resources, Inc. has met the demonstration requirements under Chapter 6, Section 2(c)(ii) for this permitting action since current emissions are less than emissions during the baseline period.  VOC emissions have decreased 2.7 TPY from the baseline period and NOx emissions have decreased 12.2 TPY from the baseline period.  These reductions have been added to PureWest Resources, Inc.’s offset bank to use for future permitting actions.

For the duration of the public comment period, the permit application, the agency’s analysis, and the public notice are available for public inspection online at, utilizing facility ID F020595 and permit number P0038362 under permits.  This material may also be viewed online, at the above URL, utilizing a public computer at the Sublette County Library, Pinedale, Wyoming.  Additionally, for the duration of the public comment period a copy of this public notice is available for public inspection at the Sublette County Clerk’s Office, Pinedale, Wyoming. 

Written comments may be directed to Nancy Vehr, Administrator, Division of Air Quality, Department of Environmental Quality, 200 West 17th St., Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 or by fax (307) 635-1784.  Please reference A0015648 in your comment.  Comments may also be submitted electronically through the Division’s website (  Comments submitted by email will not be included in the administrative record.  Comments submitted by email will not be included in the administrative record.  All comments received by 5:00 p.m., Monday, December 9, 2024 will be considered in the final determination on this application.  A public hearing will be conducted only if in the opinion of the administrator sufficient interest is generated or if an aggrieved party so requests.  Para español, visite Americans with Disabilities Act: special assistance or alternative formats will be made available upon request for individuals with disabilities.  Please provide at least fourteen (14) days before the close of the public comment period for such requests.

Notice #9925 published in the Pinedale
on Nov. 7, 2024

CHAPTER 6, SECTION 2 CONSTRUCTION/MODIFICATION PERMIT - Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality PUBLIC NOTICE:  In accordance with Chapter 6, Section 2(m) of the Wyoming Air Quality Standards and Regulations, notice is hereby given that the State of Wyoming, Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality, proposes to approve a request by PureWest Resources, Inc. (CMP100826) to modify and operate the Warbonnet 12-9 PAD (F020338) by updating the equipment list, with two reboiler overheads condensers and two smokeless combustion devices to control volatile organic compound and hazardous air pollutant emissions associated with the dehydration units, located in the NW1/4SW1/4 of Section 9, T30N, R108W, approximately eleven (11) miles south of Boulder, in Sublette County, Wyoming.  PureWest Resources, Inc. has met the demonstration requirements under Chapter 6, Section 2(c)(ii) for this permitting action since current emissions are less than emissions during the baseline period.  VOC emissions have decreased 2.4 TPY from the baseline period and NOx emissions have decreased 1.9 TPY from the baseline period.  These reductions have been added to PureWest Resources, Inc.’s offset bank to use for future permitting actions.

For the duration of the public comment period, the permit application, the agency’s analysis, and the public notice are available for public inspection online at, utilizing facility ID F020338 and permit number P0038432 under permits.  This material may also be viewed online, at the above URL, utilizing a public computer at the Sublette County Library, Pinedale, Wyoming.  Additionally, for the duration of the public comment period a copy of this public notice is available for public inspection at the Sublette County Clerk’s Office, Pinedale, Wyoming.

Written comments may be directed to Nancy Vehr, Administrator, Division of Air Quality, Department of Environmental Quality, 200 West 17th St., Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 or by fax (307) 635-1784.  Please reference A0016485 in your comment.  Comments may also be submitted electronically through the Division’s website (  Comments submitted by email will not be included in the administrative record.  Comments submitted by email will not be included in the administrative record.  All comments received by 5:00 p.m., Monday, December  9, 2024 will be considered in the final determination on this application.  A public hearing will be conducted only if in the opinion of the administrator sufficient interest is generated or if an aggrieved party so requests.  Para español, visite Americans with Disabilities Act: special assistance or alternative formats will be made available upon request for individuals with disabilities.  Please provide at least fourteen (14) days before the close of the public comment period for such requests.

Notice #9926 published in the Pinedale
on Nov. 7, 2024

CHAPTER 6, SECTION 2 CONSTRUCTION/MODIFICATION PERMIT - Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality PUBLIC NOTICE:  In accordance with Chapter 6, Section 2(m) of the Wyoming Air Quality Standards and Regulations, notice is hereby given that the State of Wyoming, Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality, proposes to approve a request by PureWest Resources, Inc. (CMP100826) to modify and operate the Riverside 8-3 PAD (F015506) by updating the equipment list, with one reboiler overheads condenser and one smokeless combustion device to control volatile organic compound and hazardous air pollutant emissions associated with the dehydration unit, located in the NE1/4NE1/4 of Section 3, T31N, R109W, approximately six (6) miles southwest of Boulder, in Sublette County, Wyoming.  PureWest Resources, Inc. has met the demonstration requirements under Chapter 6, Section 2(c)(ii) for this permitting action since current emissions are less than emissions during the baseline period.  VOC emissions have decreased 2.3 TPY from the baseline period and NOx emissions have decreased 3.5 TPY from the baseline period.  These reductions have been added to PureWest Resources, Inc.’s offset bank to use for future permitting actions.

For the duration of the public comment period, the permit application, the agency’s analysis, and the public notice are available for public inspection online at, utilizing facility ID F015506 and permit number P0038265 under permits.  This material may also be viewed online, at the above URL, utilizing a public computer at the Sublette County Library, Pinedale, Wyoming.  Additionally, for the duration of the public comment period a copy of this public notice is available for public inspection at the Sublette County Clerk’s Office, Pinedale, Wyoming.

Written comments may be directed to Nancy Vehr, Administrator, Division of Air Quality, Department of Environmental Quality, 200 West 17th St., Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 or by fax (307) 635-1784.  Please reference A0016794 in your comment.  Comments may also be submitted electronically through the Division’s website (  Comments submitted by email will not be included in the administrative record.  Comments submitted by email will not be included in the administrative record.  All comments received by 5:00 p.m., Monday, December 9, 2024 will be considered in the final determination on this application.  A public hearing will be conducted only if in the opinion of the administrator sufficient interest is generated or if an aggrieved party so requests.  Para español, visite Americans with Disabilities Act: special assistance or alternative formats will be made available upon request for individuals with disabilities.  Please provide at least fourteen (14) days before the close of the public comment period for such requests.

Notice #9927 published in the Pinedale
on Nov. 7, 2024

CHAPTER 6, SECTION 2 CONSTRUCTION/MODIFICATION PERMIT - Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality PUBLIC NOTICE:  In accordance with Chapter 6, Section 2(m) of the Wyoming Air Quality Standards and Regulations, notice is hereby given that the State of Wyoming, Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality, proposes to approve a request by PureWest Resources, Inc. (CMP100826) to modify and operate the Riverside 11-13 PAD (F018760) by updating the equipment list, with two reboiler overheads condensers and two smokeless combustion devices to control volatile organic compound and hazardous air pollutant emissions associated with the dehydration units, located in the NE1/4SW1/4 of Section 13, T31N, R109W, approximately seven (7) miles south-southwest of Boulder, in Sublette County, Wyoming.  PureWest Resources, Inc. has met the demonstration requirements under Chapter 6, Section 2(c)(ii) for this permitting action since current emissions are less than emissions during the baseline period.  VOC emissions have decreased 9.5 TPY from the baseline period and NOx emissions have decreased 10.9 TPY from the baseline period.  These reductions have been added to PureWest Resources, Inc.’s offset bank to use for future permitting actions.

For the duration of the public comment period, the permit application, the agency’s analysis, and the public notice are available for public inspection online at, utilizing facility ID F018760 and permit number P0038027 under permits.  This material may also be viewed online, at the above URL, utilizing a public computer at the Sublette County Library, Pinedale, Wyoming.  Additionally, for the duration of the public comment period a copy of this public notice is available for public inspection at the Sublette County Clerk’s Office, Pinedale, Wyoming.

Notice #9928 published in the Pinedale
on Nov. 7, 2024




The Town Council of the Town of Pinedale met in regular session on Monday, October 14, 2024, in the main conference room of the Pinedale Town Hall.

The meeting was called to order by Mayor Matt Murdock at 5 p.m. Council members present:  Tyler Swafford, Dean Loftus, Judi Boyce and Scott Kosiba.  Those in attendance included: Teresa Sandner, representing MESA Therapeutic Horsemanship; Morgan Faber, representing Foundation 23; Peg Weber; Max Lockett; Casey Fairbanks; Bruce Kerback; Justin Jones; Ed Wood, Town Attorney; and Town Staff Abram Pearce, Skylar Hatley, Gracy Carpenter and Riley Wilson. Attending online was Wes Werbelow, representing Ardurra Group; and Kenneth Sisson, representing HDR, Inc.

Mayor Murdock led those present in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Motion by Councilman Swafford to amend the agenda to add F-10, Notice of Award for the S GA Apron Project.  Seconded by Councilman Kosiba.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilwoman Boyce to approve the September 23, 2024, regular Town Council meeting minutes as amended.  Seconded by Councilman Swafford.  Motion passed 4-0-1; Councilman Loftus abstained.

Bruce Kerback shared concerns regarding his copper water lines.

Teresa Sandner, representing MESA Therapeutic Horsemanship, thanked the Mayor and Town Council for their continued support and invited them to the Riding with the Herd horse show on October 19, 2024.

Morgan Faber, representing Foundation 23, presented a recap of the Race to Raise fundraiser and invited the Mayor and Town Council to the Cally’s Helping Hands nonprofit appreciation event on November 6, 2024.

Motion by Councilman Loftus to approve the consent agenda items as published.  Seconded by Councilman Swafford.  Motion passed 5-0.  Consent agenda items approved were the purchase of salt for water treatment from Brenntag Pacific, Inc., in an amount not to exceed $16,000; the purchase of 4,000 gallons of Headwater Heat from Pelican Chemicals, in an amount not to exceed $10,000; a one-year renewal of Lease Number SV167-06 between the Town of Pinedale and L3Harris Technologies, Inc., for the ADS-B radio station site at Ralph Wenz Field; an Emergency Facilities and Land Use Agreement with the USFS-Bridger Teton National Forest for use of Ralph Wenz Field for the Pack Trail Incident; an Encroachment Agreement for certain landscape improvements within the right-of-way at 875 Grace Lane; the payment of Invoice 23367 to Sweetwater Technology Services, for continued services and aid in the Access Control Upgrades Project, in the amount of $3,616.58; and moving the planned expense of restricted depreciation reserves out of retained earnings per the approved FY24 budget.

Motion by Councilman Loftus to approve rescheduling the Monday, November 11, 2024, regular Town Council meeting to Monday, November 18, 2024.  Seconded by Councilwoman Boyce.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilwoman Boyce to approve the amended plat of Pronghorn Crossing Subdivision of Block 6 of the Bloomfield Addition to the Town of Pinedale, Wyoming, and the vacation of Lots 1 through 38 of the Pronghorn Subdivision of Block 6 of the Bloomfield Addition.  Seconded by Councilman Kosiba.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Kosiba to approve forwarding the rezone application for a map amendment at the proposed Par Avenue Second Addition to the Planning and Zoning Commission for consideration through a Public Hearing Process pursuant to §475-300-303 of the Town of Pinedale Municipal Code.  Seconded by Councilman Swafford.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Swafford to approve an Encroachment Agreement for certain improvements including a 4’ fence within the right-of-way at 109 South Franklin Avenue.  Seconded by Councilman Loftus.  Motion passed 4-0-1; Councilman Kosiba abstained.

Council discussed a landside storage lease that terminates October 31, 2024.

Abram Pearce presented the annual snow plow policy for review; no changes were made.

Council discussed the proposed Change of Zoning District and Conditional Use Permit applications submitted to Sublette County by Gregory and Emery Kemp for property adjacent to Ralph Wenz Field.

Council discussed a perpetual right-of-way easement with Sublette County for public access and underground utilities beginning at the southwest corner of Lot 23, Amended Redstone Ninth Addition, containing 0.91 acres, more or less.

Spencer Hartman and Gracy Carpenter presented the Lead and Copper Service Line Inventory.

Motion by Councilman Swafford to approve the Recommendation of Award to HK Contractors, Inc., for the Ralph Wenz Field Reconstruct S GA Apron Project for Bid Schedules 1, 4 and 5, in the amount of $2,700,623.75.  Seconded by Councilman Loftus.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Swafford to approve Ordinance 717, on third read, an Ordinance of the Town of Pinedale, State of Wyoming, amending Section 475-342 of Article XLI of Chapter 475 of the Pinedale Municipal Code to modify general requirements regarding the number of short-term rental units allowed per deeded lot.  Seconded by Councilman Loftus.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilwoman Boyce to approve Ordinance 718, on third read, an Ordinance of the Town of Pinedale, State of Wyoming, amending Section 343 of Article XLI of Chapter 475 of the Pinedale Municipal Code to modify nuisances, violations, and penalties; termination in its entirety.  Seconded by Councilman Kosiba.  Motion passed 5-0.

The following bills were presented for payment: All American Fuel Company, Inc, $3,454.30; Ardurra Group, $32,219.17; Avfuel Corporation, $33,868.92; Aviation Fuel Products LLC, $1,137.68; Black Mountain Rental, $450.45; B-N-C Trash Service, $2,133.75; Bomgaars Supply, $367.86; Brenntag Pacific, Inc, $7,672.00; Bucky's Outdoors, $579.96; Caselle, Inc., $2,122.00; Dana Kepner Company Inc., $3,487.00; Design Electric, $136.50; Energy Laboratories Inc, $505.00; Ferguson Waterworks #1116, $2,135.01; Freedom Mailing Services, Inc, $611.82; Ginest, Kai, $151.82; Hach, $1,451.08; Hatley, Skylar, $1,000.00; Jorgensen Associates PC, $10,186.50; Lumacurve Airfield Signs, $723.28; M & M Disposal, $99.00; Mountainland Supply Company, $108.43; National Animal Care & Control Assoc, $25.00; Office Outlet, $20.65; One-Call Of Wyoming, $32.25; Pearce, Abram, $58.68; Pickaroon Timber Products, $295.20; Pinedale Auto Supply, $642.85; Pinedale Lions Club, $1,500.00; Pinedale Lumber, $114.38; Pinedale Natural Gas, Inc., $622.66; Pinedale Roundup, $1,126.25; Reed's Ready-Mix & Construction, $417.75; Rio Verde Engineering, Inc., $464.10; Rocky Mountain Power, $4,952.73; Safety Supply & Sign Co, Inc., $79.50; Sani-Star, $150.00; Shadow Mountain Water of Wy Inc, $15.00; Standard Plumbing Supply, $17.04; Sub Co Mosquito Abatement Dist 1, $34,200.00; Sweetwater Technology Services, $13,032.60; The Tire Den, Inc., $11,423.70; Town of Pinedale Water/Sewer, $4,710.50; Turf Equipment & Irrigation, $44.34; Union Telephone Company, Inc., $230.66; Visa, $6,777.14; Wilson, Riley, $177.00; Wood Law Office, $5,656.25; Wyoming First Aid & Safety Supply LLC, $413.61.

Motion by Councilwoman Boyce to approve the bills for October 14, 2024, in the amount of $191,801.37 paid with checks 30884 – 30932. Seconded by Councilman Kosiba. Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Swafford to enter Executive Session to discuss Real Estate at 6:42 p.m.  Seconded by Councilman Loftus.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Swafford to exit Executive Session at 7:32 p.m.  Seconded by Councilman Loftus.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Kosiba to re-enter regular session at 7:32 p.m.  Seconded by Councilwoman Boyce.  Motion passed 5-0.

Motion by Councilman Swafford to adjourn the meeting. Seconded by Councilman Loftus. Motion passed 5-0. The meeting adjourned at 7:33 p.m.

Matt W. Murdock, Mayor


Amy Sturman, Clerk-Treasurer

Notice #9929 published in the Pinedale
on Nov. 7, 2024

CHAPTER 6, SECTION 2 CONSTRUCTION/MODIFICATION PERMIT - Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality PUBLIC NOTICE:  In accordance with Chapter 6, Section 2(m) of the Wyoming Air Quality Standards and Regulations, notice is hereby given that the State of Wyoming, Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality, proposes to approve a request by Jonah Energy LLC (CMP100053) to modify and operate the Crimson Federal 4-7 (F020284) with the removal of control requirements for the condensate tanks and active produced water tanks, with one smokeless combustion device to control volatile organic compound and hazardous air pollutant emissions associated with the pneumatic pump, located in the NW1/4NW1/4 of Section 7, T27N, R108W, approximately twenty-three (23) miles southeast of Big Piney, in Sublette County, Wyoming.  A Chapter 6, Section 2(c)(ii) demonstration in accordance with the Division’s Interim Policy has been conducted.  Emission offset requirements, if applicable, have been applied to this permitting action at a ratio of 1.5:1.0 for VOCs and 1.1:1.0 for NOx.  Permitting actions to date have resulted in a decrease in actual VOC emissions of 4261.0 tpy and a decrease in actual NOx emissions of 446.4 tpy.  Therefore, Jonah Energy LLC has met the offset requirements for VOCs and NOx.

For the duration of the public comment period, the permit application, the agency’s analysis, and the public notice are available for public inspection online at, utilizing facility ID F020284 and permit number P0039504 under permits.  This material may also be viewed online, at the above URL, utilizing a public computer at the Sublette County Library, Pinedale, Wyoming.  Additionally, for the duration of the public comment period a copy of this public notice is available for public inspection at the Sublette County Clerk’s Office, Pinedale, Wyoming. 

Written comments may be directed to Nancy Vehr, Administrator, Division of Air Quality, Department of Environmental Quality, 200 West 17th St., Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 or by fax (307) 635-1784.  Please reference A0017283 in your comment.  Comments may also be submitted electronically through the Division’s website (  Comments submitted by email will not be included in the administrative record.  All comments received by 5:00 p.m., Monday, December 9, 2024 will be considered in the final determination on this application.  A public hearing will be conducted only if in the opinion of the administrator sufficient interest is generated or if an aggrieved party so requests.  Para español, visite Americans with Disabilities Act: special assistance or alternative formats will be made available upon request for individuals with disabilities.  Please provide at least fourteen (14) days before the close of the public comment period for such requests.

Notice #9930 published in the Pinedale
on Nov. 7, 2024

CHAPTER 6, SECTION 2 CONSTRUCTION/MODIFICATION PERMIT - Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality PUBLIC NOTICE:  In accordance with Chapter 6, Section 2(m) of the Wyoming Air Quality Standards and Regulations, notice is hereby given that the State of Wyoming, Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality, proposes to approve a request by Jonah Energy LLC (CMP100053) to modify and operate the Crimson Federal 7-35 (F022922) with the removal of control requirements for the condensate tanks and active produced water tanks, with one smokeless combustion device to control volatile organic compound and hazardous air pollutant emissions associated with the pneumatic pump, located in the SW1/4NE1/4 of Section 35, T28N, R109W, approximately twenty-one (21) miles southeast of Big Piney, in Sublette County, Wyoming.  A Chapter 6, Section 2(c)(ii) demonstration in accordance with the Division’s Interim Policy has been conducted.  Emission offset requirements, if applicable, have been applied to this permitting action at a ratio of 1.5:1.0 for VOCs and 1.1:1.0 for NOx.  Permitting actions to date have resulted in a decrease in actual VOC emissions of 4261.0 tpy and a decrease in actual NOx emissions of 446.4 tpy.  Therefore, Jonah Energy LLC has met the offset requirements for VOCs and NOx.

For the duration of the public comment period, the permit application, the agency’s analysis, and the public notice are available for public inspection online at, utilizing facility ID F022922 and permit number P0039505 under permits.  This material may also be viewed online, at the above URL, utilizing a public computer at the Sublette County Library, Pinedale, Wyoming.  Additionally, for the duration of the public comment period a copy of this public notice is available for public inspection at the Sublette County Clerk’s Office, Pinedale, Wyoming. 

Written comments may be directed to Nancy Vehr, Administrator, Division of Air Quality, Department of Environmental Quality, 200 West 17th St., Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 or by fax (307) 635-1784.  Please reference A0017284 in your comment.  Comments may also be submitted electronically through the Division’s website (  Comments submitted by email will not be included in the administrative record.  All comments received by 5:00 p.m., Monday, December 9, 2024 will be considered in the final determination on this application.  A public hearing will be conducted only if in the opinion of the administrator sufficient interest is generated or if an aggrieved party so requests.  Para español, visite Americans with Disabilities Act: special assistance or alternative formats will be made available upon request for individuals with disabilities.  Please provide at least fourteen (14) days before the close of the public comment period for such requests.

Notice #9931 published in the Pinedale
on Nov. 7, 2024

CHAPTER 6, SECTION 2 CONSTRUCTION/MODIFICATION PERMIT - Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality PUBLIC NOTICE:  In accordance with Chapter 6, Section 2(m) of the Wyoming Air Quality Standards and Regulations, notice is hereby given that the State of Wyoming, Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality, proposes to approve a request by Jonah Energy LLC (CMP100053) to modify and operate the Crimson Federal 15-11 (F020046) with the removal of control requirements for the condensate tanks and active produced water tanks, with one smokeless combustion device to control volatile organic compound and hazardous air pollutant emissions associated with the pneumatic pump, located in the SW1/4SE1/4 of Section 11, T27N, R109W, approximately twenty-three (23) miles southeast of Big Piney, in Sublette County, Wyoming.  A Chapter 6, Section 2(c)(ii) demonstration in accordance with the Division’s Interim Policy has been conducted.  Emission offset requirements, if applicable, have been applied to this permitting action at a ratio of 1.5:1.0 for VOCs and 1.1:1.0 for NOx.  Permitting actions to date have resulted in a decrease in actual VOC emissions of 4261.0 tpy and a decrease in actual NOx emissions of 446.4 tpy.  Therefore, Jonah Energy LLC has met the offset requirements for VOCs and NOx.

For the duration of the public comment period, the permit application, the agency’s analysis, and the public notice are available for public inspection online at, utilizing facility ID F020046 and permit number P0039506 under permits.  This material may also be viewed online, at the above URL, utilizing a public computer at the Sublette County Library, Pinedale, Wyoming.  Additionally, for the duration of the public comment period a copy of this public notice is available for public inspection at the Sublette County Clerk’s Office, Pinedale, Wyoming.

Written comments may be directed to Nancy Vehr, Administrator, Division of Air Quality, Department of Environmental Quality, 200 West 17th St., Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 or by fax (307) 635-1784.  Please reference A0017285 in your comment.  Comments may also be submitted electronically through the Division’s website (  Comments submitted by email will not be included in the administrative record.  All comments received by 5:00 p.m., Monday, December 9, 2024 will be considered in the final determination on this application.  A public hearing will be conducted only if in the opinion of the administrator sufficient interest is generated or if an aggrieved party so requests.  Para español, visite Americans with Disabilities Act: special assistance or alternative formats will be made available upon request for individuals with disabilities.  Please provide at least fourteen (14) days before the close of the public comment period for such requests.

Notice #9932 published in the Pinedale
on Nov. 7, 2024

CHAPTER 6, SECTION 2 CONSTRUCTION/MODIFICATION PERMIT - Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality PUBLIC NOTICE:  In accordance with Chapter 6, Section 2(m) of the Wyoming Air Quality Standards and Regulations, notice is hereby given that the State of Wyoming, Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality, proposes to approve a request by Jonah Energy LLC (CMP100053) to modify and operate the Crimson Federal 15-24 (F022918) with the removal of control requirements for the condensate tanks and active produced water tanks, with one smokeless combustion device to control volatile organic compound and hazardous air pollutant emissions associated with the pneumatic pump, located in the SW1/4SE1/4 of Section 24, T27N, R109W, approximately twenty-five (25) miles southeast of Big Piney, in Sublette County, Wyoming.  A Chapter 6, Section 2(c)(ii) demonstration in accordance with the Division’s Interim Policy has been conducted.  Emission offset requirements, if applicable, have been applied to this permitting action at a ratio of 1.5:1.0 for VOCs and 1.1:1.0 for NOx.  Permitting actions to date have resulted in a decrease in actual VOC emissions of 4261.0 tpy and a decrease in actual NOx emissions of 446.4 tpy.  Therefore, Jonah Energy LLC has met the offset requirements for VOCs and NOx.

For the duration of the public comment period, the permit application, the agency’s analysis, and the public notice are available for public inspection online at, utilizing facility ID F022918 and permit number P0039507 under permits.  This material may also be viewed online, at the above URL, utilizing a public computer at the Sublette County Library, Pinedale, Wyoming.  Additionally, for the duration of the public comment period a copy of this public notice is available for public inspection at the Sublette County Clerk’s Office, Pinedale, Wyoming. 

Written comments may be directed to Nancy Vehr, Administrator, Division of Air Quality, Department of Environmental Quality, 200 West 17th St., Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 or by fax (307) 635-1784.  Please reference A0017286 in your comment.  Comments may also be submitted electronically through the Division’s website (  Comments submitted by email will not be included in the administrative record.  All comments received by 5:00 p.m., Monday, December 9, 2024 will be considered in the final determination on this application.  A public hearing will be conducted only if in the opinion of the administrator sufficient interest is generated or if an aggrieved party so requests.  Para español, visite Americans with Disabilities Act: special assistance or alternative formats will be made available upon request for individuals with disabilities.  Please provide at least fourteen (14) days before the close of the public comment period for such requests.

Notice #9933 published in the Pinedale
on Nov. 7, 2024

CHAPTER 6, SECTION 2 CONSTRUCTION/MODIFICATION PERMIT - Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality PUBLIC NOTICE:  In accordance with Chapter 6, Section 2(m) of the Wyoming Air Quality Standards and Regulations, notice is hereby given that the State of Wyoming, Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality, proposes to approve a request by Jonah Energy LLC (CMP100053) to modify and operate the Crimson Federal 16-2 (F022729) with the removal of control requirements for the condensate tanks and active produced water tanks, with one smokeless combustion device to control volatile organic compound and hazardous air pollutant emissions associated with the pneumatic pump, located in the SE1/4SE1/4 of Section 2, T27N, R109W, approximately twenty-two (22) miles southeast of Big Piney, in Sublette County, Wyoming.  A Chapter 6, Section 2(c)(ii) demonstration in accordance with the Division’s Interim Policy has been conducted.  Emission offset requirements, if applicable, have been applied to this permitting action at a ratio of 1.5:1.0 for VOCs and 1.1:1.0 for NOx.  Permitting actions to date have resulted in a decrease in actual VOC emissions of 4261.0 tpy and a decrease in actual NOx emissions of 446.4 tpy.  Therefore, Jonah Energy LLC has met the offset requirements for VOCs and NOx.

For the duration of the public comment period, the permit application, the agency’s analysis, and the public notice are available for public inspection online at, utilizing facility ID F022729 and permit number P0039508 under permits.  This material may also be viewed online, at the above URL, utilizing a public computer at the Sublette County Library, Pinedale, Wyoming.  Additionally, for the duration of the public comment period a copy of this public notice is available for public inspection at the Sublette County Clerk’s Office, Pinedale, Wyoming. 

Written comments may be directed to Nancy Vehr, Administrator, Division of Air Quality, Department of Environmental Quality, 200 West 17th St., Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 or by fax (307) 635-1784.  Please reference A0017287 in your comment.  Comments may also be submitted electronically through the Division’s website (  Comments submitted by email will not be included in the administrative record.  All comments received by 5:00 p.m., Monday, December 9, 2024 will be considered in the final determination on this application.  A public hearing will be conducted only if in the opinion of the administrator sufficient interest is generated or if an aggrieved party so requests.  Para español, visite Americans with Disabilities Act: special assistance or alternative formats will be made available upon request for individuals with disabilities.  Please provide at least fourteen (14) days before the close of the public comment period for such requests.

Notice #9934 published in the Pinedale
on Nov. 7, 2024

CHAPTER 6, SECTION 2 CONSTRUCTION/MODIFICATION PERMIT - Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality PUBLIC NOTICE:  In accordance with Chapter 6, Section 2(m) of the Wyoming Air Quality Standards and Regulations, notice is hereby given that the State of Wyoming, Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality, proposes to approve a request by Jonah Energy LLC (CMP100053) to modify and operate the Crimson Federal 16-14 (F022728) with the removal of control requirements for the condensate tanks and active produced water tanks, with one smokeless combustion device to control volatile organic compound and hazardous air pollutant emissions associated with the pneumatic pump, located in the SE1/4SE1/4 of Section 14, T27N, R109W, approximately twenty-four (24) miles southeast of Big Piney, in Sublette County, Wyoming.  A Chapter 6, Section 2(c)(ii) demonstration in accordance with the Division’s Interim Policy has been conducted.  Emission offset requirements, if applicable, have been applied to this permitting action at a ratio of 1.5:1.0 for VOCs and 1.1:1.0 for NOx.  Permitting actions to date have resulted in a decrease in actual VOC emissions of 4261.0 tpy and a decrease in actual NOx emissions of 446.4 tpy.  Therefore, Jonah Energy LLC has met the offset requirements for VOCs and NOx.

For the duration of the public comment period, the permit application, the agency’s analysis, and the public notice are available for public inspection online at, utilizing facility ID F022728 and permit number P0039509 under permits.  This material may also be viewed online, at the above URL, utilizing a public computer at the Sublette County Library, Pinedale, Wyoming.  Additionally, for the duration of the public comment period a copy of this public notice is available for public inspection at the Sublette County Clerk’s Office, Pinedale, Wyoming. 

Written comments may be directed to Nancy Vehr, Administrator, Division of Air Quality, Department of Environmental Quality, 200 West 17th St., Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 or by fax (307) 635-1784.  Please reference A0017288 in your comment.  Comments may also be submitted electronically through the Division’s website (  Comments submitted by email will not be included in the administrative record.  All comments received by 5:00 p.m., Monday, December 9, 2024 will be considered in the final determination on this application.  A public hearing will be conducted only if in the opinion of the administrator sufficient interest is generated or if an aggrieved party so requests.  Para español, visite Americans with Disabilities Act: special assistance or alternative formats will be made available upon request for individuals with disabilities.  Please provide at least fourteen (14) days before the close of the public comment period for such requests.

Notice #9935 published in the Pinedale
on Nov. 7, 2024

CHAPTER 6, SECTION 2 CONSTRUCTION/MODIFICATION PERMIT - Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality PUBLIC NOTICE:  In accordance with Chapter 6, Section 2(m) of the Wyoming Air Quality Standards and Regulations, notice is hereby given that the State of Wyoming, Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality, proposes to approve a request by Jonah Energy LLC (CMP100053) to modify and operate the Crimson State 12-36 (F022726) with the removal of control requirements for the condensate tanks and active produced water tanks, with one smokeless combustion device to control volatile organic compound and hazardous air pollutant emissions associated with the pneumatic pump, located in the NW1/4SW1/4 of Section 36, T28N, R109W, approximately twenty-two (22) miles southeast of Big Piney, in Sublette County, Wyoming.  A Chapter 6, Section 2(c)(ii) demonstration in accordance with the Division’s Interim Policy has been conducted.  Emission offset requirements, if applicable, have been applied to this permitting action at a ratio of 1.5:1.0 for VOCs and 1.1:1.0 for NOx.  Permitting actions to date have resulted in a decrease in actual VOC emissions of 4261.0 tpy and a decrease in actual NOx emissions of 446.4 tpy.  Therefore, Jonah Energy LLC has met the offset requirements for VOCs and NOx.

For the duration of the public comment period, the permit application, the agency’s analysis, and the public notice are available for public inspection online at, utilizing facility ID F022726 and permit number P0039510 under permits.  This material may also be viewed online, at the above URL, utilizing a public computer at the Sublette County Library, Pinedale, Wyoming.  Additionally, for the duration of the public comment period a copy of this public notice is available for public inspection at the Sublette County Clerk’s Office, Pinedale, Wyoming. 

Written comments may be directed to Nancy Vehr, Administrator, Division of Air Quality, Department of Environmental Quality, 200 West 17th St., Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 or by fax (307) 635-1784.  Please reference A0017289 in your comment.  Comments may also be submitted electronically through the Division’s website (  Comments submitted by email will not be included in the administrative record.  All comments received by 5:00 p.m., Monday, December 9, 2024 will be considered in the final determination on this application.  A public hearing will be conducted only if in the opinion of the administrator sufficient interest is generated or if an aggrieved party so requests.  Para español, visite Americans with Disabilities Act: special assistance or alternative formats will be made available upon request for individuals with disabilities.  Please provide at least fourteen (14) days before the close of the public comment period for such requests.

Notice #9936 published in the Pinedale
on Nov. 7, 2024

CHAPTER 6, SECTION 2 CONSTRUCTION/MODIFICATION PERMIT - Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality PUBLIC NOTICE:  In accordance with Chapter 6, Section 2(m) of the Wyoming Air Quality Standards and Regulations, notice is hereby given that the State of Wyoming, Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality, proposes to approve a request by Jonah Energy LLC (CMP100053) to modify and operate the Crimson Unit 2-18 (F022921) with the removal of control requirements for the condensate tanks and active produced water tanks, with one smokeless combustion device to control volatile organic compound and hazardous air pollutant emissions associated with the pneumatic pump, located in the NW1/4NE1/4 of Section 18, T27N, R108W, approximately twenty-four (24) miles southeast of Big Piney, in Sublette County, Wyoming.  A Chapter 6, Section 2(c)(ii) demonstration in accordance with the Division’s Interim Policy has been conducted.  Emission offset requirements, if applicable, have been applied to this permitting action at a ratio of 1.5:1.0 for VOCs and 1.1:1.0 for NOx.  Permitting actions to date have resulted in a decrease in actual VOC emissions of 4261.0 tpy and a decrease in actual NOx emissions of 446.4 tpy.  Therefore, Jonah Energy LLC has met the offset requirements for VOCs and NOx.

For the duration of the public comment period, the permit application, the agency’s analysis, and the public notice are available for public inspection online at, utilizing facility ID F022921 and permit number P0039511 under permits.  This material may also be viewed online, at the above URL, utilizing a public computer at the Sublette County Library, Pinedale, Wyoming.  Additionally, for the duration of the public comment period a copy of this public notice is available for public inspection at the Sublette County Clerk’s Office, Pinedale, Wyoming. 

Written comments may be directed to Nancy Vehr, Administrator, Division of Air Quality, Department of Environmental Quality, 200 West 17th St., Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 or by fax (307) 635-1784.  Please reference A0017290 in your comment.  Comments may also be submitted electronically through the Division’s website (  Comments submitted by email will not be included in the administrative record.  All comments received by 5:00 p.m., Monday, December 9, 2024 will be considered in the final determination on this application.  A public hearing will be conducted only if in the opinion of the administrator sufficient interest is generated or if an aggrieved party so requests.  Para español, visite Americans with Disabilities Act: special assistance or alternative formats will be made available upon request for individuals with disabilities.  Please provide at least fourteen (14) days before the close of the public comment period for such requests.

Notice #9937 published in the Pinedale
on Nov. 7, 2024

CHAPTER 6, SECTION 2 CONSTRUCTION/MODIFICATION PERMIT - Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality PUBLIC NOTICE:  In accordance with Chapter 6, Section 2(m) of the Wyoming Air Quality Standards and Regulations, notice is hereby given that the State of Wyoming, Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality, proposes to approve a request by Jonah Energy LLC (CMP100053) to modify and operate the Hacienda 6-19 (F017260) with the removal of control requirements for the condensate tanks and active produced water tanks, with one smokeless combustion device to control volatile organic compound and hazardous air pollutant emissions associated with the pneumatic pump, located in the SE1/4NW1/4 of Section 19, T28N, R108W, approximately twenty-two (22) miles southwest of Big Sandy, in Sublette County, Wyoming.  A Chapter 6, Section 2(c)(ii) demonstration in accordance with the Division’s Interim Policy has been conducted.  Emission offset requirements, if applicable, have been applied to this permitting action at a ratio of 1.5:1.0 for VOCs and 1.1:1.0 for NOx.  Permitting actions to date have resulted in a decrease in actual VOC emissions of 4261.0 tpy and a decrease in actual NOx emissions of 446.4 tpy.  Therefore, Jonah Energy LLC has met the offset requirements for VOCs and NOx.

For the duration of the public comment period, the permit application, the agency’s analysis, and the public notice are available for public inspection online at, utilizing facility ID F017260 and permit number P0039516 under permits.  This material may also be viewed online, at the above URL, utilizing a public computer at the Sublette County Library, Pinedale, Wyoming.  Additionally, for the duration of the public comment period a copy of this public notice is available for public inspection at the Sublette County Clerk’s Office, Pinedale, Wyoming. 

Written comments may be directed to Nancy Vehr, Administrator, Division of Air Quality, Department of Environmental Quality, 200 West 17th St., Cheyenne, Wyoming 82002 or by fax (307) 635-1784.  Please reference A0017295 in your comment.  Comments may also be submitted electronically through the Division’s website (  Comments submitted by email will not be included in the administrative record.  All comments received by 5:00 p.m., Monday, December 9, 2024 will be considered in the final determination on this application.  A public hearing will be conducted only if in the opinion of the administrator sufficient interest is generated or if an aggrieved party so requests.  Para español, visite Americans with Disabilities Act: special assistance or alternative formats will be made available upon request for individuals with disabilities.  Please provide at least fourteen (14) days before the close of the public comment period for such requests.

Notice #9938 published in the Pinedale
on Nov. 7, 2024


The Sublette County Predatory Animal Management Board will hold its annual meeting on Friday, December 6, 2024 at 1 p.m. in the commission meeting room of the Sublette County Courthouse in Pinedale. Directors representing livestock interests will be elected at the meeting, and the board will set the budget and operational plan for the year.

Notice #9939 published in the Pinedale
on Nov. 7, 2024