05-19-2023 Pinedale Roundup Legals



for the Town of Pinedale,

Sublette County, Wyoming

The Department of Environmental Quality/Water Quality Division (DEQ) has conducted a review of the proposed Pinedale Shallow Main Waterline Replacement project in accordance with EPA and State of Wyoming procedures for implementing the State Environmental Review Process. DEQ has determined that this project is eligible for a categorical exclusion. Accordingly, DEQ is exempting the project from further substantive environmental review requirements under the State Environmental Review Process. Neither an Environmental Assessment/Finding of No Significant Impact nor an Environmental Impact Statement/Record of Decision will be required for the proposed action. The following is a brief description of the situation and the proposed action and a brief statement of how the action meets the criteria for a categorical exclusion.

The Pinedale Shallow Main Waterline Replacement project consists of removal of existing water mains and services beneath Quartz Avenue, Shanley Avenue, and Jade Street and replacement with approximately 2800 linear feet of six and eight-inch diameter pipe intended to reduce the risk of freezing and conserve water currently used for winter bleeding. This area of Town has common freezing issues resulting in: 1) costly repairs passed on to residents, and 2) a waste of Town resources. Work includes completion of necessary street repairs due to the location of underground infrastructure and is anticipated to be constructed in 2024. Based on current cost estimates, the Town of Pinedale plans to borrow $1,258,000 from the Wyoming Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund administered by the Wyoming Office of State Lands and Investments. Increased user fees and reserves from the water enterprise fund will repay the loan. The average rate increase is estimated to be $2.10 per month per user to repay the loan. Loan terms will be 2.5% interest rate and 20 years, at maximum.

Town personnel has inspected and is familiar with the project area.  Town personnel found no evidence and has no knowledge that the project area contains endangered/threatened species, suitable habitat for endangered/threatened species, migratory birds, eagles, jurisdictional waters of the United States, or prime agricultural lands. The Town is aware of and accepts responsibility for any required mitigative actions associated with and including storm water runoff, erosion control, archeological/historic artifacts, and air quality concerns. These will be part of the standard State Revolving Funds Program contract conditions.

DEQ is granting an exclusion because the project will be constructed in previously disturbed ground, more specifically roadways and road rights-of-way. DEQ has determined that exempting the proposed project from further review under the State Environmental Review Process will not result in adverse impacts to the population of the Town of Pinedale in Sublette County, Wyoming.

The documentation to support this decision will be on file in the DEQ Cheyenne Office and is available for public scrutiny upon request. Comments concerning this decision may be addressed to Shawn King, SRF Project Manager, Department of Environmental Quality, 200 W. 17th St. Suite 200, Cheyenne, WY 82002, Tel. (307) 777-6941, FAX (307) 635-1784, email: shawn.king2@wyo.gov.

Notice #9282 published in the Pinedale
on May 19, 2023


The Town of Pinedale, Wyoming, will conduct a public meeting at 5 p.m., on Monday, June 12, 2023, in the Lovatt Room of the Sublette County Library, 155 S. Tyler Avenue, Pinedale, WY. The purpose of the meeting is to allow citizens to review and comment on the Pinedale Shallow Main Waterline Replacement project, which consists of removal of existing water mains and services beneath Quartz Avenue, Shanley Avenue, and Jade Street and replacement with approximately 2800 linear feet of six and eight-inch diameter pipe intended to reduce the risk of freezing and conserve water currently used for winter bleeding. This area of Town has common freezing issues resulting in costly repairs passed on to residents, and a waste of Town resources. Work includes completion of necessary street repairs due to the location of underground infrastructure and is anticipated to be constructed in 2024.

The Town of Pinedale will present the preliminary design of the proposed project and will discuss the estimated cost of improvements and a plan for funding them. A preliminary plan of improvements, cost estimates, and the funding plan can also be obtained for review by contacting the office of Nelson Engineering, 430 S Cache St, Jackson, WY. Contact Matt Bowers at (307) 733-2087, or mbowers@nelsonengineering.net.

Based on current cost estimates, the Town of Pinedale plans to borrow $1,258,000 from the Wyoming Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund administered by the Wyoming Office of State Lands and Investments. Increased user fees and reserves from the water enterprise fund will repay the loan. The average rate increase is estimated to be $2.10 per month per user to repay the loan. Loan terms will be 2.5% interest for 20 years, at maximum.

Written comments are also welcome. Send written comments to Nelson Engineering, Attn: Suzanne Lagerman, P.O. Box 1599, Jackson, WY 83001, or slagerman@nelsonengineering.net by 2 p.m. on June 12, 2023.

Para español, visite deq.wyoming.gov.

Notice #9281 published in the Pinedale
on May 19, 2023

The Town of Pinedale will hold a special meeting of the Town Council on Monday, May 22, 2023, at 10 a.m. in the Lovatt Room of the Sublette County Library for the third and final read of the 2023-24 budget appropriation ordinance.

Notice #9280 published in the Pinedale
on May 19, 2023

Notice is hereby given that a public hearing on the budget for High Meadow Ranch Water District for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2023, which is now being considered by the Board, will be held in the Richard Smythe Wellhouse, 165 Sauk Trl, in Boulder, Wyoming, on the 20th day of July 2023 at 6:00 P.M., at which time any and all persons interested may appear and be heard respecting such budget. A summary of such budget follows:


Ordinary Income/Expense


County Revenue $31,000

Water Use Fees

Tap Fees $42,000

System Users $106,600

Non-System Lots $14,801

Stripe Convienence Fee $500

Lien/Shut Off Charges     $100

Total Water Use Fees $164,001

Union Cell Tower Rent   $11,100

Total Income $206,101



Advertising $500

Insurance Expense

Bond $400

Liability Insurance $2,400

Asset Liability Insurance     $9,500

Total Insurance Expense $12,300

Meter Pit Supplies $25,200

Maintenance Water Line

Water Line Parts/Supplies $2,000

Total Maintenance - Water line $2,000

Maintenance - Wellhouses

Annual Scada Services (WETCO) $6,200

Chemicals (BRENNTAG) $1,000

Tank Inspection (MIDCO) $3,800

Generator (CUMMINS) $1,400

Maintenance -Wellhouses-Other   $1,000

Total Maintenance - Wellhouses $13,400


Regular Monthly $1,500

Special $125

Reimbursement-Travel       $0

Total Meeting $1,625

Water Operator

One Call $100

Monthly $90,000

New Tap Oversight           $0

Total Water Operator $90,100

Water Tests

Additional Required Tests $2,500

Total Water Tests $2,500

Office Supplies

Stripe Convienence Fee $500

General Supplies $300

Microsoft Office $75

Webstie Mantenance 1/2 Renewal $300

Box Rent   $200

Total Office Supplies $1,375

Postage and Delivery

Billing Mailing $200

General     $0

Total Postage and Delivery $200

Professional Fees

Audit $16,500

Accountant $20,400

Lien/Shut Off Charges $100

Legal $500

Memberships     $475

Total Professional Fees $37,975


Electricity $20,400

Natural Gas $1,800

Internet   $1,200

Total Utilities $23,400

Total Expense $210,575

Net Ordinary Income -$4,474

Other Income/Expense

Other Income

Phase 1 Special Assessment Loan $93,384

Phase 2 Special Assessment $54,510

Phase 3 Special Assessment $54,510

Phase 3 Construction Loan $1,274,000

Phase 3 Construction Grant $1,832,000

Sell Surplus Equipment $1,500

Interest Income       $3,000

Total Other Income $3,312,904

Other Expense

Phase 3 Upgrade Project $3,312,904

Phase 1 Loan Rep Interest $45,938

Phase 1 Loan Repay Principal $47,445

Phase 2 Project Loan $54,510

Phase 3 Project Loan Principal $54,510

Emergency Reserve Account                 $0

Total Other Expense $3,308,403

Net Other Income         $4,501

Net Income               $27

Notice #9279 published in the Pinedale
on May 19, 2023

In accordance with W.S. 21-3-110 (a)(ii), the following warrants, excluding individual salaries over $500.00 were issued by Sublette County School District No 1 at the regular Board Meeting May 11, 2023. PAYEE CHECK# AMOUNT

GENERAL: BOULTER, NEIKA 222300184 $647.50

HORROCKS, KENDALL 222300187 $1,011.00

MURPHY, ANGIE 222300191 $960.00

307 MERCANTILE 69997 $5,265.00

95% GROUP 69998 $727.00

AMPLIFY 70000 $25,696.70

APPLE 70002 $2,131.99


ARBOR SCIENTIFIC 70004 $994.96

ARETE DESIGN GROUP 70005 $4,115.00

B-N-C TRASH 70006 $2,551.00

BAYMONT INN 70008 $1,372.00

BEN DAVIS PAINTING 70010 $19,860.00

BLICK ART 70012 $3,574.50

BULK BOOKSTORE 70015 $645.60

BUSH WELLS 70016 $1,187.35

BYTESPEED 70017 $1,998.00

CAROLINA BIO 70018 $1,282.57

CENTURYLINK 70019 $3,013.24

COOK CENTER 70021 $20,000.00

CUEVAS, KARINA 70022 $500.00

DELTA DENTAL 70024 $13,346.10

DEX IMAGING 70025 $3,168.67

ELDER 70027 $885.97

FB MCFADDEN 70028 $1,452.65

FLYLEAF PUB 70030 $1,612.87

FOLLETT 70032 $860.21

GENTRY, REGINA 70033 $500.00

HOLIDAY INN 70038 $1,188.00

JOHN DEERE 70046 $1,342.29

JORGENSEN ASSOC 70047 $2,225.00

KLAREN, HAYDEN 70049 $500.00

LAKESHORE 70050 $1,080.03


LIVESCHOOL 70052 $594.00

LONG BLDG TECH 70053 $11,708.25

LOWER VALLEY 70054 $567.40

M&M DISPOSAL 70055 $1,524.60

MASON & MASON 70057 $4,297.64

MCGRATH TRAINING 70059 $1,000.00


NICHOLAS 70066 $22,053.92

OETC 70067 $16,858.05


PASCO 70071 $1,100.00

PEAK BEHAVIORAL 70072 $2,612.50

PHOENIX LEARNING 70073 $545.00

PINEDALE NATURAL GAS 70076 $70,437.99

PIVOT DESIGN 70078 $888.89

PROACTIVE 70081 $5,796.00

QUILL 70083 $3,278.27


RIDDELL 70087 $839.95

RIDLEY'S 70089 $2,485.05

ROCKY MTN POWER 70091 $28,669.15

SCHAEFER, LAURA 70094 $500.00

SCHOOL SAVERS 70097 $5,159.35

SCSD#1 AMAZON 70101 $37,272.96

SCSD#1 GENERAL 70102 $136,159.24

SCSD#1 LUNCH 70103 $1,515.47

SEEMANN, AMBR 70104 $500.00

SOLUTION TREE 70107 $1,300.00

STONE, MARISSA 70108 $500.00

TOWN OF PINEDALE 70111 $3,867.56

UN OF WY/COLLEGE OF ED 70114 $12,000.00

WALSWORTH 70116 $3,574.35

WARDS 70117 $830.38

WASA 70118 $2,142.50

WAXIE 70119 $3,821.42

WAYFAIR 70120 $986.67


WEX BANK 70124 $1,710.28

WH SERVICES LLC 70125 $1,357.00

WILLIAMS, ROWNA 70126 $500.00

WOLAVER, KAT 70128 $500.00


LANCER ENERGY 69968 $12,981.67

TOWN OF PINEDALE 69969 $3,825.31

Notice #9278 published in the Pinedale
on May 19, 2023


Town of Pinedale, Wyoming

Pathway Connectivity Project

Notice is hereby given that the Town of Pinedale is soliciting Statements of Qualifications for engineering services for the Town of Pinedale Pathway Connectivity Project in Pinedale, Wyoming. The project is to evaluate, plan, and complete construction drawings for the construction of multiuse pathways throughout the Pinedale Municipal Limits. The final design drawings shall be comprehensive and capable of division into a multi-phase construction project. The Request for Qualifications packages may be obtained at Town Hall or by email. Proposals will be received at the office of the Town Clerk, Town of Pinedale, located at 69 Pinedale South Road; Pinedale, Wyoming 82941 (Town Hall) until Tuesday, June 6, 2023, at 4:30 p.m.  Proposals shall be delivered according to the Request for Qualifications. For more information, please call Town Hall at 307-367-4136 or email abrampearce@townofpinedale.us.

The Town of Pinedale reserves the right to reject any and all proposals, to waive all informalities, and may accept any proposal which in its opinion best serves its interests.

Notice #9277 published in the Pinedale
on May 12, 19, 2023





CIVIL ACTION NO.  2023–CV-8984 )


Plaintiff, )

vs. )

DONALD L. TOMAESELLO and if the above named or mentioned person is deceased, then all of the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,      creditors and successors of such deceased person and all other unknown persons claiming any estate or interest in, or lien upon, the real property and premises which is subject matter of this action and is described herein, Defendant. )


TO: DONALD L. TOMAESELLO, and if the above named or mentioned person is deceased, then all of the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, creditors and successors of such deceased person and all other unknown persons claiming any estate or interest in, or lien upon, the real property and premises which is subject matter of this action and is described herein,

Address Unknown

TAKE NOTICE that JOHN G. SHEEHAN JR. has filed a Complaint in the District Court, Ninth Judicial District, Sublette County, Wyoming sitting in the Town of Pinedale, to quiet title to:

Lot Ninety-Two (92), Block Two (2) of the Barger Subdivision, Sublette County, Wyoming as set out on that plat map recorded in the Office of the County Clerk of Sublette County;

as fee simple owner of said real property naming you as Defendant, alleging that you claim estates, rights, titles, liens and interests therein which are adverse to those of the Plaintiff, and that Plaintiff is seeking to have his title to said real property forever quieted and a judicial determination that you have no estates, rights, titles, liens or interests therein.

FURTHER, you are notified that you are required to answer Plaintiff’s Complaint on or before 7/10/23 by filing the same with the Clerk of this Court; otherwise, said Complaint shall be taken as true and judgment shall be rendered against you accordingly.


Clerk of District Court

Box 764

Pinedale, WY  82941

Notice #9276 published in the Pinedale
on May 19, 26, June 2, 9, 2023




625 E Hennick Street

Pinedale, WY 82941

Sublette County Hospital District in Pinedale, WY is seeking a firm to provide a proposal for a complete nurse call system for a proposed 84,000 SF Critical Access Hospital and Long-Term Care Center in Pinedale, WY.  Proposals are due May 26, 2023, at 5:00 PM Mountain Time Zone. Interested firms should contact Karl Lueschow at Karl@lueschowprojectmanagement.com or call 608-347-0519 for a copy of the full Request for Proposal.

Notice #9265 published in the Pinedale
on May 5, 12, 19, 2023




625 E Hennick Street

Pinedale, WY 82941

Sublette County Hospital District in Pinedale, WY is seeking a Furniture Consultant for a proposed 84,000 SF Critical Access Hospital and Long-Term Care Center in Pinedale, WY.  Proposals are due May 26, 2023, at 5:00 PM Mountain Time Zone. Interested firms should contact Karl Lueschow at Karl@lueschowprojectmanagement.com or call 608-347-0519 for a copy of the full Request for Proposal.

Notice #9264 published in the Pinedale
on May 5, 12, 19, 2023




625 E Hennick Street

Pinedale, WY 82941

Sublette County Hospital District in Pinedale, WY is seeking a Full Time Construction Inspector for a proposed 84,000 SF Critical Access Hospital and Long-Term Care Center in Pinedale, WY.  Proposals are due May 26, 2023, at 5:00 PM Mountain Time Zone. Interested firms should contact Karl Lueschow at Karl@lueschowprojectmanagement.com or call 608-347-0519 for a copy of the full Request for Proposal.

Notice #9262 published in the Pinedale
on May 5, 12, 19, 2023